H.R. No. 1180
         WHEREAS, Former state representative Michael Hamilton of
  Mauriceville passed away on November 8, 2019, at the age of 58,
  bringing a profound loss to his loved ones, to the friends he made
  at the statehouse, and to the many people whose lives he benefited
  through his public service; and
         WHEREAS, Born on September 30, 1961, Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton
  was the son of Michael Hamilton and Carrie Hebert and the eldest of
  their six children; he studied at Lamar University and worked a
  series of jobs in the food and beverage industry before purchasing
  Tuffy's Eatery in Mauriceville in 1990; although he eventually sold
  the restaurant in 2005, the nickname "Tuffy" followed him
  throughout his life; he continued serving Southern comfort food at
  the second eatery he owned, Hamilton's Restaurant and Bar, which he
  opened in Port Arthur in 2017, and at the time of his passing, he was
  the owner of The West Bar and Grill in Beaumont; as a successful
  restaurateur, he at one time led the Texas Restaurant Association
  as president; and
         WHEREAS, In 2003, Mr. Hamilton embarked on the first of five
  consecutive terms in the Texas House of Representatives, where he
  worked to advance the interests of his constituents in Hardin,
  Newton, and Orange Counties until concluding his tenure in 2013;
  during his years in office, he chaired the Licensing and
  Administrative Procedures Committee and the Natural Resources
  Committee, and he served as co-chair of the Texas Environmental
  Flows Advisory Group and as vice chair of the Local Government Ways
  and Means Committee and the Select Committee on Emergency
  Preparedness; he was known for being friendly and affable to his
  fellow lawmakers, including those from across the aisle, and he
  always treated his staff with great respect; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Hamilton was a devoted husband and father who
  embraced family values in every area of his life; he shared 32 years
  of marriage with his wife, Terry Hamilton, and was blessed with four
  children, Melissa, Lacey, Kevin, and Michael, and five
  grandchildren, Taylor, Tyler, Gabby, Emily, and Sophie; he
  cherished the time he spent with his loved ones at gatherings, where
  he always made certain that everyone around him was enjoying
  themselves as much as he was; and
         WHEREAS, Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton worked to better the lives of
  his fellow Texans with generosity, enthusiasm, and unwavering
  commitment, and he leaves behind a record of service that his loved
  ones can remember with pride; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of former state
  representative Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton and extend deepest
  condolences to the members of his family: to his wife, Terry
  Hamilton; to his mother, Carrie Hebert; to his children, Melissa
  Eggleton and her husband, Mike, Lacey Coyne and her husband, Alex,
  Kevin Sensat and his wife, Kim, and Michael Hamilton; to his
  grandchildren, Taylor, Tyler, Gabby, Emily, and Sophie; to his
  siblings, Paula Adams and her husband, Ricky, Ginger Provost and
  her husband, Reagan, Kip Hamilton and his wife, Cara, Greg Hamilton
  and his wife, Colinda, and Blaine Hamilton and his wife, Alicia; and
  to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Michael
  "Tuffy" Hamilton.
  Thompson of Harris
Phelan Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Harless Ordaz Perez
Anchia Harris Ortega
Anderson Hefner Pacheco
Ashby Hernandez Paddie
Bailes Herrero Parker
Beckley Hinojosa Patterson
Bell of Kaufman Holland Paul
Bell of Montgomery Howard Perez
Bernal Huberty Price
Biedermann Hull Ramos
Bonnen Hunter Raney
Bowers Israel Raymond
Buckley Jetton Reynolds
Bucy Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Burns A. Johnson of Harris Rogers
Burrows J. Johnson of Harris Romero, Jr.
Button Kacal Rose
Cain King of Hemphill Rosenthal
Campos King of Parker Sanford
Canales King of Uvalde Schaefer
Capriglione Klick Schofield
Cason Krause Shaheen
Clardy Kuempel Sherman, Sr.
Cole Lambert Shine
Coleman Landgraf Slaton
Collier Larson Slawson
Cook Leach Smith
Cortez Leman Smithee
Craddick Longoria Spiller
Crockett Lopez Stephenson
Cyrier Lozano Stucky
Darby Lucio III Swanson
Davis Martinez Talarico
Dean Martinez Fischer Thierry
Deshotel Metcalf Thompson of Brazoria
Dominguez Meyer Thompson of Harris
Dutton Meza Tinderholt
Ellzey Middleton Toth
Fierro Minjarez Turner of Dallas
Frank Moody Turner of Tarrant
Frullo Morales of Harris VanDeaver
Gates Morales of Maverick Vasut
Geren Morales Shaw Vo
Gervin-Hawkins Morrison Walle
Goldman Muñoz, Jr. White
González of Dallas Murphy Wilson
González of El Paso Murr Wu
Goodwin Neave Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1180 was unanimously adopted by a rising
  vote of the House on May 18, 2021.
  Chief Clerk of the House