87R25476 TBO-D
  By: Morales of Maverick H.R. No. 1184
         WHEREAS, The members of the Eagle Pass Jeep Club have
  distinguished themselves through their contributions to
  communities in South Texas and Mexico; and
         WHEREAS, Founded by Jessica Flores in March 2019, the Eagle
  Pass Jeep Club unites area residents in their shared love for Jeep
  vehicles and offers opportunities for participation in a variety of
  off-road driving activities and local events, including parades,
  holiday festivities, and car shows; proceeds from these gatherings
  are used to help people who are experiencing financial hardship;
         WHEREAS, Club members have also provided aid to children in
  Piedras Negras and other cities in Mexico through their work with
  Casa Hogares, and during the winter storm in February 2021, they
  prepared sack lunches for people without electricity; moreover, the
  club is involved with such organizations as Candles for Life and
  Mission 22; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Eagle Pass Jeep Club have
  demonstrated a strong commitment to helping others, and their
  willingness to give of their time and energy sets an outstanding
  example of civic engagement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Eagle Pass Jeep Club for its record
  of community service and extend to its members sincere best wishes
  for success with their philanthropic endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the club as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.