H.R. No. 1261
         WHEREAS, Cynthia Kelly was named the 2018-2019 Teacher of the
  Year at Gardendale Elementary School in San Antonio; and
         WHEREAS, A strong education is vital for young Texans to
  become successful and productive adults, and those individuals who
  dedicate their careers to teaching are helping to ensure that the
  future of the Lone Star State rests in capable hands; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Kelly hails from southern Illinois, and she
  earned her bachelor's degree from Greenville University; for the
  past 19 years, she has been teaching in the Edgewood Independent
  School District, where she first worked at Hoelscher Elementary
  before transferring to Gardendale; as an educator, she is committed
  to helping her students achieve their dreams, and she enjoys
  contributing to the supportive school culture and learning
  environment at Edgewood ISD; and
         WHEREAS, Cynthia Kelly exemplifies the passion,
  determination, and innovative spirit that are the hallmarks of our
  best teachers, and she has set a standard of excellence to which all
  in her profession may aspire; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Cynthia Kelly on her selection as
  the 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year for Gardendale Elementary School
  and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success with her
  important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Kelly as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1261 was adopted by the House on May
  23, 2021, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House