87R24499 KSM-D
  By: Vasut H.R. No. 1278
         WHEREAS, Dr. Millicent M. Valek is retiring as president of
  Brazosport College in January 2022, concluding a distinguished
  tenure that has spanned more than a quarter century; and
         WHEREAS, The longest-serving president in the school's
  history, Dr. Valek took the helm of Brazosport College in 1996 and
  she has guided the campus through a period of tremendous growth;
  campus improvements include the renovation of the library and
  student resource center as well as the construction of several new
  facilities, such as The Clarion at Brazosport College, the Dow
  Academic Center, the BASF Center for Process Technology, the Byron &
  Sandra Sadler Health Professions/Science Complex, and, most
  recently, the BCPC Welding Technologies Laboratory; and
         WHEREAS, Among her many other accomplishments at Brazosport,
  Dr. Valek has helped create such initiatives as the Catalyst
  Program, which builds a pathway to associate degrees, ACE It, which
  has led to a substantial increase in graduation rates, and
  JumpStart, which helps meet the demand for skilled craft workers;
  moreover, during her presidency, the campus has gained legislative
  authority to offer one of the first baccalaureate degrees at a Texas
  community college and has twice been ranked among the top 10
  community colleges in the U.S. by the Aspen Institute; Brazosport
  has also earned Leader College of Distinction status; and
         WHEREAS, Prior to joining Brazosport, Dr. Valek served as
  vice president for academic affairs at Arizona Western College and
  as director of faculty development at Austin Community College; she
  holds a bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin and
  a master's degree from Texas State University, and she earned a
  Ph.D. through the Community College Leadership Program at UT
  Austin, where she received the Distinguished Graduate Award from
  the College of Education; and
         WHEREAS, Through her visionary leadership, Dr. Millicent
  Valek has played a vital role in advancing the proud legacy of
  Brazosport College, and her achievements will continue to be
  appreciated for years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Millicent M. Valek on her
  retirement as president of Brazosport College and extend to her
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Valek as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.