87R20465 BK-D
  By: Ordaz Perez H.R. No. 1284
         WHEREAS, During the weeks that followed the mass shooting at
  the Cielo Vista Walmart in El Paso on August 3, 2019, the Zaragoza
  Rotary Club partnered with El Paso City Council member Henry Rivera
  to maintain the temporary memorial that was created to honor the 22
  people who lost their lives on that tragic day; and
         WHEREAS, To commemorate those who were killed in the horrific
  attack, El Pasoans began visiting and bringing flowers, candles,
  stuffed animals, signs, and other items to a makeshift memorial
  overlooking the Walmart parking lot; soon after, El Paso City
  Representative Henry Rivera recognized the need to tidy up the
  memorial, and he went on to enlist the help of the Zaragoza Rotary
  Club of El Paso, which volunteered to make weekly visits to the site
  before a permanent structure could be established; and
         WHEREAS, Rotary Club volunteers removed wilting flowers from
  the memorial, which were then taken to the El Paso Zoo to be
  recycled into compost; the organization continued performing this
  service until the store reopened on November 14 and the memorial was
  removed; on November 23, a permanent monument called the "Grand
  Candela," a 30-foot-tall illuminated obelisk, was unveiled and
  dedicated to each of the victims and survivors of the tragedy; and
         WHEREAS, In the immediate aftermath of the horrific events of
  August 3, 2019, El Pasoans gathered at the makeshift memorial to
  mourn and pay their respects to the innocent people whose lives were
  cut short by an appalling act of violence, and Representative Henry
  Rivera and the Zaragoza Rotary Club are deserving of praise for
  their commitment to ensuring that the site received the care that it
  deserved; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend El Paso City Representative Henry Rivera
  and the Zaragoza Rotary Club of El Paso for their efforts to
  maintain the temporary memorial at the Cielo Vista Walmart in El
  Paso and extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Rivera and the Zaragoza Rotary Club as
  an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.