87R27154 CW-D
  By: Dean H.R. No. 1303
         WHEREAS, Through his swift actions, UPS driver Daniel
  Carmical played a crucial role in helping to rescue a Longview
  resident from his burning home on May 3, 2021; and
         WHEREAS, On that day, because of a logistical package-loading
  error, Mr. Carmical was making deliveries to the Pine Tree
  neighborhood, which is not on his regular route, at about 8 p.m.; as
  he approached a house to drop off a package, he detected the smell
  of smoke, and he then noticed flames shooting out of the roof vents
  of a residence across the street; Mr. Carmical ran to the front
  door, kicked it in, and entered the home yelling "UPS" in an effort
  to alert anyone who might be inside; homeowner Ben Slater, who was
  completely unware that his house was on fire, heard Mr. Carmical,
  and the two men were able to safely exit; and
         WHEREAS, Shortly after, Longview firefighters arrived on the
  scene and accessed the attic, encountering heavy smoke and flames
  before they extinguished the blaze; Longview Fire Marshal Kevin May
  credited Mr. Carmical and his own team for their fast and
  courageous efforts that prevented anyone from being injured and the
  home from being completely destroyed; and
         WHEREAS, By acting quickly and decisively when every second
  counted, Daniel Carmical helped to prevent a crisis situation from
  becoming a tragedy, and his efforts indeed merit special
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Daniel Carmical for helping to rescue a
  fellow citizen from a burning home and extend to him sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Carmical as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.