87R26893 TBO-D
  By: Jetton H.R. No. 1344
         WHEREAS, Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the faculty,
  administrators, and staff of St. Laurence Catholic School in Sugar
  Land have ably responded to the challenges presented by this global
  health crisis; and
         WHEREAS, COVID-19 has put a tremendous strain on teachers,
  administrators, and staff, and even during these unprecedented
  circumstances, St. Laurence Catholic School has continued to
  foster the academic development of its students; school leaders
  have carefully considered guidelines from health officials to
  monitor and respond to issues arising from the outbreak, and
  instructors have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to a changing
  classroom environment that has included remote learning, social
  distancing, and other health and safety procedures; and
         WHEREAS, St. Laurence Catholic School benefits from the
  skilled leadership of its principal, Suzanne Barto; founded in
  1992, the campus has been recognized as a science, technology,
  religion, arts, and math (STREAM) Synergy School by the Archdiocese
  of Galveston-Houston; among its many accolades, it has received two
  National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence awards; and
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating exceptional perseverance during this
  time of crisis, the teachers, administrators, and staff of
  St. Laurence Catholic School are indeed deserving of recognition
  for their dedicated efforts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the faculty, administrators, and staff
  of St. Laurence Catholic School for their outstanding service
  during the COVID-19 pandemic and extend to them sincere best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the school as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.