87R26674 BPG-D
  By: Turner of Dallas H.R. No. 1388
         WHEREAS, For 20 years, Heart House has helped refugee
  children thrive in the Vickery Meadow community of Dallas; and
         WHEREAS, Many refugees reside in Vickery Meadow, and most
  come from countries beset by conflict and privation; while learning
  how to navigate a new culture, children are often dealing with early
  trauma caused by such factors as war, separation from caregivers,
  harsh living conditions, and post-migration issues that can include
  discrimination and social exclusion; refugee children are
  over-represented in special education programs and are typically
  three to four years behind their peers academically; and
         WHEREAS, Heart House offers after-school and summer
  programs, following a holistic mental and behavioral health model
  that adapts to a child's background and current emotional state;
  with its Head, Heart, Hands program, also known as H3, Heart House
  makes social-emotional learning a core component in its strategy to
  promote healing and growth through educational and therapeutic
  experiences customized for the individual; research demonstrates
  that this approach increases academic performance and improves
  mental health; and
         WHEREAS, Reflecting the diversity of Vickery Meadow, Heart
  House currently serves children who speak nearly 20 different
  languages and dialects; it provides students from kindergarten
  through eighth grade with space to play, have a meal, and enjoy
  music, art, and other enrichment activities; group counseling is
  available, as well as extra support from a team of mental health
  professionals; and
         WHEREAS, Immigrants contribute immeasurably to the vibrancy
  of our communities, and by encouraging the emotional, social, and
  cognitive development of refugee children, Heart House is preparing
  them to be more happy, resilient, and productive members of
  society; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Heart House for 20 years of service to
  refugee children in Dallas and extend to all those associated with
  this noteworthy organization sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Heart House as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.