87R26978 BPG-D
  By: Allen H.R. No. 1397
         WHEREAS, Dr. Patrice Lanette Allen graduated with a master of
  business administration degree from Lamar University on May 13,
  2021; and
         WHEREAS, An admired educator, Dr. Allen has served James S.
  Deady Middle School in Houston as an assistant principal during the
  2020-2021 school year; in addition, she works with the 6th Grade and
  ELA/ELL Teams and serves as the Title 1, secondary testing, and
  safety coordinator; she began her career teaching English at
  Phillis Wheatley High School and advanced to serve as a literacy
  instructional specialist and as the campus discipline and safety
  coordinator; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Allen also holds a bachelor's degree in
  sociology from Baylor University, a master's degree in counseling
  education from the University of Houston-Victoria, and a doctoral
  degree in educational leadership from Prairie View A&M University;
  she has conducted research on African American women serving as
  school superintendents and aspiring to that role, and she presented
  her research at the 2015 Research Association of Minority
  Professors Conference; in addition, she has co-authored research on
  Ph.D. programs in historically Black colleges and universities; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Clothild Allen and Lawrence Allen
  Jr., Dr. Allen spent most of her early years with her grandmother,
  State Representative Dr. Alma Allen, who instilled in her the
  importance of education; the younger Dr. Allen is supported in all
  her endeavors by the love and encouragement of her fiancé, Jae D.
  Brown, and she is the proud mother of three children, Jaedis,
  Jaelauryn, and Jaeson; and
         WHEREAS, Patrice Allen has demonstrated an exceptional
  commitment to excellence in the pursuit of her academic goals, and
  in so doing, she has earned the respect and admiration of all who
  are privileged to know her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Patrice Lanette Allen on her
  receipt of a master's degree in business administration from Lamar
  University and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Allen as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.