87R25122 TBO-D
  By: Toth H.R. No. 1419
         WHEREAS, St. Luke's Health-The Woodlands Hospital has been
  designated a Level III Maternal Facility by the Texas Department of
  State Health Services; and
         WHEREAS, This noteworthy credential is the second-highest
  maternal care designation awarded by the State of Texas, and it is
  given to facilities that treat patients with complex maternal,
  obstetric, and fetal conditions; to qualify for the Level III
  designation, a facility must meet the needs of patients with low-
  and high-risk conditions by providing a full range of services,
  from consultations to major surgeries; moreover, it must maintain a
  well-trained staff of maternal care specialists and assist other
  facilities with lower level designations; and
         WHEREAS, St. Luke's Health-The Woodlands Hospital has served
  North Houston residents since 2003, and its Family Birthing Center
  offers a number of important services, including couplet care,
  lactation consultation, and guidance on crib safety; in addition,
  the center features a Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and a
  team of board-certified medical professionals; and
         WHEREAS, The physicians, staff, and administrators at
  St. Luke's Health-The Woodlands have worked tirelessly to ensure
  skilled and compassionate care for their patients, and the
  hospital's designation as a Level III Maternal Facility is a
  testament to their ongoing commitment to excellence; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate St. Luke's Health-The Woodlands
  Hospital on its designation as a Level III Maternal Facility by the
  Texas Department of State Health Services and extend to all those
  associated with the facility sincere best wishes for continued
  success with their important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the hospital as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.