87R23416 BPG-D
  By: Crockett H.R. No. 1436
         WHEREAS, Vikki J. Martin has greatly benefited residents of
  Far East Dallas as founder and executive director of the Ferguson
  Road Initiative; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Martin established the nonprofit organization
  in 1998 to engage residents in addressing crime problems that had
  led to urban blight, causing property values to diminish and
  businesses to abandon the area; the group participated in the Weed
  and Seed program of the U.S. Department of Justice from 2000 to
  2011, "weeding" out crime and "seeding" economic development and
  social services; and
         WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Ms. Martin, FRI has
  partnered with local law enforcement agencies and neighborhood
  organizations to reduce crime substantially, and it has pressured
  absentee landlords to improve substandard conditions; in addition,
  it has formed relationships with public schools to promote family
  involvement, recruit volunteers, and provide after-school
  programming and academic enrichment opportunities; the FRI bond
  committee has secured more than $40 million over the years to
  improve streets, bridges, and parks, mitigate flooding, and add
  such amenities as a branch library and recreation center; and
         WHEREAS, Signs of revitalization now abound in Far East
  Dallas, with investment in retail and housing developments and
  rising property values; supporting a diverse population of more
  than 93,000, FRI continues to focus on quality of life while also
  managing programs to stabilize vulnerable families; today, FRI
  includes nearly 40 neighborhood associations, crime watch groups,
  and other stakeholders; and
         WHEREAS, An artist and retired educator, Ms. Martin taught
  studio art and advanced placement art history at The Episcopal
  School of Dallas for 34 years before her retirement in 2017; she has
  resided in Far East Dallas for more than three decades; and
         WHEREAS, Vikki Martin has made a lasting, positive difference
  in her community through her vision, leadership, and unyielding
  dedication, and her exceptional accomplishments have earned the
  deep admiration and appreciation of her fellow citizens; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Vikki J. Martin for her service as founder
  and executive director of the Ferguson Road Initiative and extend
  to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Martin as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.