87R27706 BK-D
  By: Morales of Harris H.R. No. 1492
         WHEREAS, In late April 2021, the State of Texas reached a
  sobering milestone when it surpassed 50,000 deaths of its citizens
  from COVID-19; and
         WHEREAS, The state's death toll, out of more than two million
  recorded cases, is the third-highest in the nation; since the first
  death from the disease was reported in Matagorda County on March 16,
  2020, our state has battled several devastating surges in cases,
  particularly in the early summer months and in the months
  surrounding the holiday season; on November 13, 2020, Texas for the
  first time exceeded one million confirmed cases, and on January 11,
  2021, a record of over 14,000 Texans were hospitalized due to
  COVID-19; and
         WHEREAS, The majority of deaths from COVID-19 have occurred
  in hospitals, where terminally ill patients have suffered in
  isolation from their loved ones; despite heroic efforts on the part
  of nurses, physicians, and other health care workers, far too many
  Texas families have dealt with the grief and heartbreak of losing
  someone to COVID-19; those who perished have included fathers and
  mothers, brothers and sisters, grandparents and
  great-grandparents, children, and friends, whose deaths have left a
  tremendous void in their communities and in the lives of those who
  knew them; and
         WHEREAS, Although our state's death toll is a grim reflection
  of the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic, it cannot adequately convey
  the full human impact of this tragedy, and it is fitting that we
  honor the memories of those Texans who are no longer with us as we
  express our sympathy toward those who are rebuilding their lives in
  their absence; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the more than 50,000 people who
  died from COVID-19 in the State of Texas and extend heartfelt
  condolences to their surviving families and friends.