87R29068 TBO-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 1686
         WHEREAS, The observance of Father's Day on June 20, 2021,
  provides a fitting opportunity to reflect on the essence of what it
  means to be a father; and
         WHEREAS, Today, we salute the men who devote themselves to
  the well-being of their sons and daughters and who, in the process,
  teach their children through their own actions, guidance,
  forgiveness, compassion, and affection; and
         WHEREAS, The first and most important decision a father makes
  is the conscious choice to fulfill the multifaceted
  responsibilities of his vital role in the family; he must both
  nurture and discipline his children, provide for them, and also
  serve as their teacher; above all, he strives to instill in his
  children faith, enduring values, and a sure sense of right and
  wrong; and
         WHEREAS, A century ago, fathers worked at or near their
  homes, and children passed a good deal of time in their company,
  learning by example an appreciation for the rewards of hard work and
  benefiting by their daily wisdom; currently, many parents are
  employed some distance away from their homes, making it crucial for
  fathers to reflect carefully on the precious hours they have to
  devote to the upbringing of their children and on how they may best
  help them flourish and become happy, productive citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Being a father means accepting the solemn duty of
  molding and shaping the next generation, and on Father's Day, we
  honor those who have stepped forward and taken up this challenging
  yet rewarding responsibility; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate Father's Day 2021 and honor the
  caring men who have dedicated their lives to building strong
  families and a bright future for those who follow in their