87R29662 BPG-D
  By: Collier H.R. No. 1765
         WHEREAS, Southeast Fort Worth, Inc., is dedicated to
  promoting economic development in an area that has long been
  underserved in this regard; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 2000, SEFWI collaborates with
  neighborhood organizations, governmental entities, and other
  stakeholders to improve economic opportunity in southeastern Fort
  Worth; under the leadership of president Sharon Douglas and her
  predecessor, Stacy Marshall, the organization has assessed needs in
  the area and identified options for the strategic development of
  the workforce and of retail and other businesses; and
         WHEREAS, SEFWI helps affordable housing developers
  understand and meet the needs of families while accessing tax
  credits and favorable financing; in addition, it raises awareness
  of the area's large, talented labor pool and business-friendly
  environment, as well as the low cost of living, open-space
  amenities, and attractive neighborhoods with good schools; and
         WHEREAS, In cooperation with area stakeholders, SEFWI seeks
  to transform neighborhoods holistically; it also improves the local
  business climate by promoting financial literacy and supporting
  small enterprises; and
         WHEREAS, For more than two decades, Southeast Fort Worth,
  Inc., has fostered prosperity in the community it serves, and its
  endeavors have contributed to an improved quality of life for all;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Southeast Fort Worth, Inc., for its
  efforts in behalf of the community and extend sincere best wishes
  for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.