87R30289 BK-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 1995
         WHEREAS, Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Texas
  Tech University Health Sciences Center at Amarillo has played an
  integral role in the global campaign to advance understanding of
  the disease, to develop lifesaving treatments and therapies, and to
  provide essential medical care and vaccination services to the
  Amarillo community; and
         WHEREAS, In April 2020, TTUHSC was selected to be part of a
  U.S. government-sponsored, FDA-approved study conducted by Mayo
  Clinic to evaluate the use of convalescent plasma in treating
  patients with severe COVID-19; working in partnership with other
  institutions, the health sciences center swiftly mobilized to
  implement the project, and its participation provided patients in
  Amarillo with a treatment option that was difficult to attain at the
  time; and
         WHEREAS, Continuing to investigate the viability of new
  methods of treating COVID-19, TTUHSC entered into an agreement with
  Amarillo's PharmaTex Research to assist in a clinical trial of
  Regeneron's novel antiviral antibody cocktail in late summer of
  2020; at the time, the health sciences center was one of only 150
  sites internationally and the only location in West Texas with
  access to the medications; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to facilitating studies and clinical
  trials, TTUHSC has helped increase Texas' testing capacity by
  producing viral transport media, a critical component of COVID-19
  tests; at its peak, the health sciences center was generating
  between 15,000 and 20,000 vials of VTM per week, for a total of more
  than 450,000 vials, and the university went on to be recognized for
  its production of VTM in The Governor's Report to Open Texas
  publication issued by Governor Greg Abbott; the VTM project was led
  by a team from the TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy and the
  School of Medicine, and the schools shared information about their
  effective methods with other universities and laboratories across
  the state; and
         WHEREAS, Another important initiative carried out by TTUHSC
  was the establishment of the Amarillo Center for Excellence for
  COVID-19 Research & Pandemics, which encompasses a range of efforts
  that are focused on the goal of predicting and preparing for future
  pandemics; special thanks is also owed to the many TTUHSC medical
  and pharmaceutical faculty members who have been on the front lines
  providing high-quality care to patients in area medical centers; in
  addition, the health sciences center has administered a total of
  more than 11,000 COVID-19 vaccinations on the Amarillo campus; and
         WHEREAS, The faculty, research staff, students, support
  staff, and administration of the Texas Tech University Health
  Sciences Center at Amarillo have lent their time, expertise, and
  resources to expedite critical research and treatment in the
  world's battle against COVID-19, and they are deserving of our
  lasting gratitude for their tireless dedication to this endeavor;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the faculty, research staff, students,
  support staff, and administration of the Texas Tech University
  Health Sciences Center at Amarillo for their exceptional
  contributions in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and extend to
  all those associated with the effort sincere best wishes for
  continued success in their important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the health sciences center as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.