87R30406 ADM-D
  By: Kacal H.R. No. 2009
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on House Joint Resolution 4 (requiring a
  judge or magistrate to impose the least restrictive conditions of
  bail that may be necessary and authorizing the denial of bail under
  some circumstances to a person accused of a violent or sexual
  offense or of continuous trafficking of persons) to consider and
  take action on the following matter:
         House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(1) and (4), are suspended to
  permit the committee to change, alter, or amend text which is not in
  disagreement and to add text on a matter which is not included in
  either the house or senate version of the joint resolution in
  proposed SECTION 2 of the joint resolution, by amending proposed
  Sections 11d(a) and (c), Article I, Texas Constitution, to read as
         (a)  A person accused of committing a sexual offense
  punishable as a felony of the first degree, of committing a violent
  offense, or of committing continuous trafficking of persons may be
  denied bail pending trial if a judge or magistrate determines by
  clear and convincing evidence after a hearing that requiring bail
  and conditions of release is insufficient to reasonably ensure:
               (1)  the person's appearance in court as required; or
               (2)  the safety of the community, law enforcement, or
  the victim of the alleged offense.
         (c)  This section may not be construed to:
               (1)  limit any right a person has under other law to
  contest a denial of bail or to contest the amount of bail set by a
  judge or magistrate; or
               (2)  require any testimonial evidence before a judge or
  magistrate makes a bail decision with respect to a person to whom
  this section applies.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to clarify which
  persons may be denied bail pending trial and the procedural
  requirements imposed on a judge or magistrate before making certain
  bail decisions.