relating to the provision of mental health services for certain |
children at risk of relinquishment. |
SECTION 1. Section 262.351, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivisions (1-a) and (1-b) to |
read as follows: |
(1) "Commission" means the Health and Human Services |
Commission. |
(1-a) "Department" means the Department of Family and |
Protective Services. |
(1-b) "Relinquishment avoidance program" means the |
Health and Human Services Commission's program that provides mental |
health services to a child with a severe emotional disturbance |
without the child entering the managing conservatorship of the |
department. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter E, Chapter 262, Family Code, is |
amended by adding Section 262.353 to read as follows: |
SERVICES. (a) The commission may not require the department to |
conduct a child abuse or neglect investigation before allowing a |
child to participate in the relinquishment avoidance program unless |
there is an allegation of abuse or neglect of the child. |
(b) A local mental or behavioral health authority may refer |
a child directly to the relinquishment avoidance program without |
first contacting the department. |
(c) The department and the commission shall: |
(1) jointly adopt comprehensive guidance for |
providers and families that describes: |
(A) how to access services under the |
relinquishment avoidance program; and |
(B) the child's and family's rights when the |
child's parent or legal guardian: |
(i) relinquishes the child in order to |
obtain mental health services for the child; or |
(ii) accesses services under the |
relinquishment avoidance program; |
(2) publish the information described by Subdivision |
(1) on the agency's Internet website; and |
(3) make the information described by Subdivision (1) |
available to caseworkers and families with a child who has a severe |
emotional disturbance. |
(d) The department and the commission shall jointly adopt |
clear and concise protocols for families at risk of relinquishing a |
child for the sole purpose of accessing mental health services for |
the child. The protocols must: |
(1) include procedures for determining eligibility |
for the relinquishment avoidance program, including emergency |
eligibility procedures for children who are at immediate risk of |
relinquishment; |
(2) include procedures for applying for the |
relinquishment avoidance program; |
(3) identify who will manage the case of a family |
eligible for the relinquishment avoidance program; |
(4) identify the funding and resources for the |
relinquishment avoidance program; and |
(5) identify the role of each party involved in the |
relinquishment avoidance program, including the department, the |
commission, contracted residential treatment centers, and local |
mental and behavioral health authorities. |
(e) The department and local mental and behavioral health |
authorities shall follow the protocols adopted under Subsection |
(d). |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 642 passed the Senate on |
April 21, 2021, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0; and that |
the Senate concurred in House amendment on May 27, 2021, by the |
following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 642 passed the House, with |
amendment, on May 18, 2021, by the following vote: Yeas 131, |
Nays 6, two present not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |