87R3871 TSS-D
  By: Blanco S.B. No. 681
  relating to requiring school districts to adopt a policy regarding
  the idling of the engine of a school bus.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 34, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Section 34.0031 to read as follows:
         Sec. 34.0031.  BUS IDLING POLICY.  (a)  In this section,
  "idling" means allowing an engine to run while the motor vehicle is
  not engaged in forward or reverse motion.
         (b)  The board of trustees of each school district shall
  adopt a policy that minimizes the amount of time that drivers of
  buses operated or contracted for operation by the district spend
  idling the bus engine.  The policy shall, to the extent practicable:
               (1)  require a bus to be engaged in forward or reverse
  motion when the bus engine is running;
               (2)  require that a bus driver promptly turn off the bus
  engine on arrival at a campus loading or unloading area or bus
  station, depot, or terminal located on or within one-half mile of a
  district campus;
               (3)  require that, before departing a campus loading or
  unloading area or bus station, depot, or terminal located on or
  within one-half mile of a district campus, the bus driver not start
  the bus engine until the bus is prepared to engage in motion;
               (4)  require a bus driver to limit idling time before
  departure to the time recommended by the bus manufacturer to heat or
  cool the bus as necessary;
               (5)  minimize the time students spend on a bus
  traveling to and from school; and
               (6)  require a sign with the words "No Idling" to be
  posted on each district campus in each area where students are
  regularly dropped off or picked up.
         (c)  To maximize the effectiveness of a policy adopted under
  Subsection (b), a school district may:
               (1)  review any federal, state, or local regulations
  relating to engine idling to ensure the district's policy is
  consistent with those regulations;
               (2)  offer training on the policy for bus drivers
  employed by the district;
               (3)  perform random checks to ensure bus drivers are
  complying with the policy at:
                     (A)  bus stations, depots, and terminals;
                     (B)  campus loading or unloading areas; and
                     (C)  other areas where idling may occur;
               (4)  use technology designed to reduce idling to
  optimize fuel economy, equipment operation, and student comfort;
               (5)  develop strategies to recognize bus drivers who
  successfully reduce idling of the bus engine;
               (6)  if the school district contracts with a mass
  transit authority, commercial transportation company, or juvenile
  board for any part of the district's public school transportation,
  coordinate with the authority, company, or board to ensure
  compliance with the policy;
               (7)  develop and implement educational programs for
  students on strategies for preventing and reversing air pollution,
  including methods to reduce engine idling;
               (8)  encourage local governmental entities to adopt
  idling reduction plans and programs; and
               (9)  publicize the success of the district's policy and
  any additional district idling reduction programs.
         SECTION 2.  This Act applies beginning with the 2021-2022
  school year.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.