By: Hinojosa, et al. S.B. No. 782
  relating to authorizing the sale of certain real property by the
  State of Texas to the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces
  County, Texas.
         SECTION 1.  (a) The real property described by Section 2 of
  this Act was originally submerged land purchased by the Port of
  Corpus Christi from the State of Texas in 1956 under former Article
  8225, Revised Statutes. Following the conveyance, the submerged
  land was artificially filled and subsequently leased to a third
  party for non-navigation-related purposes. Following litigation
  between the port and the State of Texas, the parties entered into a
  settlement agreement pursuant to which the real property was
  conveyed back to the state. The port now wishes to use the real
  property for navigation-related purposes.
         (b)  Subject to Subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this
  section, the State of Texas shall convey the real property
  described by Section 2 of this Act to the Port of Corpus Christi
  Authority of Nueces County, Texas, to be used by the port only for
  purposes reasonably related to the promotion of navigation as
  defined by Section 61.116(b), Water Code.
         (c)  The real property described by Section 2 of this Act may
  not be conveyed by the State of Texas to the Port of Corpus Christi
  Authority of Nueces County, Texas, for an amount less than the fair
  market value of the real property. The fair market value of the
  real property must be established by an independent appraisal
  obtained by the asset management division of the General Land
         (d)  The proceeds from the sale of real property authorized
  by this Act must be paid to the State of Texas for the benefit of the
  permanent school fund.  The state shall reserve for the benefit of
  the permanent school fund the state's interest in all oil, gas, and
  other minerals in and under the real property described by Section 2
  of this Act.
         (e)  The conveyance of the real property described by Section
  2 of this Act shall be made subject to all valid covenants,
  conditions, reservations, restrictions, rights-of-way, easements,
  and leases, if any, that are recorded or apparent by visual
         (f)  The port may not:
               (1)  lease the real property described by Section 2 of
  this Act for a use that is not reasonably related to the promotion
  of navigation as defined by Section 61.116(b), Water Code; or
               (2)  dispose of the real property except to sell the
  real property to the State of Texas or exchange the real property
  with the State of Texas in accordance with Section 61.117(f), Water
         (g)  Sections 31.1571, 31.158, and 31.159, Natural Resources
  Code, do not apply to the sale of real property authorized by this
         SECTION 2.  The real property held by the State of Texas is
  submerged and filled submerged land being 33.26 acres of real
  property, more or less, located in Nueces County, Texas, and more
  particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
  BEGINNING at a 5/8" steel rod found to replace the original corner
  "P" marking the original meanders of Nueces Bay as shown on said map
  recorded in Volume 1251, Page 340, Deed Records, Nueces County,
  Texas, said corner having coordinates of N 17194856.64, E
  1344097.53, Texas South Zone 4205, NAD 83, combined scale factor
  1.000005016, for an exterior corner in the south line of this tract;
  THENCE, S-66°-42'-47"-W, along said original shoreline meander, a
  distance of 254.92v, 708.10' to a 5/8" steel rod set to replace
  called corner "0" for the most southerly corner of this tract;
  THENCE, N-53°-59'-13"-W, continuing along original shoreline
  meanders, a distance of 147.38v, 409.40' to a point which falls in
  the water for an interior corner in the south line of this tract;
  THENCE, S-85°-15'-47"-W, continuing along original shoreline
  meanders, a distance of 44.86v, 124.60' to a point which falls in
  the water at the intersection of said shoreline meanders with the
  southeast bulkhead line of Canal B as shown on said map for the west
  corner of this tract;
  THENCE, N-31°-34'-47"-E, a distance of 577.00v, 1602.79' to a point
  in the water at the intersection of said Canal B bulkhead line with
  the Rincon Canal bulkhead line for the north corner of this tract;
  THENCE, S-58°-25'-13"-E, a distance of 504.00v, 1400.00' to a point
  in the water at the intersection of said Rincon Canal bulkhead line
  with the Canal A bulkhead line for the east corner of this tract;
  THENCE, S-31°-34'-47"-W, a distance of 142.04v, 394.57' to a point
  in the water at the intersection of said Canal A bulkhead line with
  the original shoreline meanders for the southeast corner of this
  THENCE, N-47°-19'-13"-W, along said original shoreline, a distance
  of 204.22v, 567.29' to a 5/8" steel rod set to replace called corner
  "Q" for an interior corner of this tract:
  THENCE, S-25°-36'-47"-W, along said original shoreline, a distance
  of 252.00v, 700.00' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
  33.26-acres of land, more or less.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2021.