By: Taylor, Blanco S.B. No. 1230
  relating to establishing the Texas Commission on Community College
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter G, Chapter 130, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 130.1305 to read as follows:
  FINANCE. (a)  The Texas Commission on Community College Finance is
  established to make recommendations for consideration by the 88th
  Texas Legislature regarding the state funding formula and funding
  levels for public junior colleges in Texas that would be sufficient
  to sustain viable junior college education and training offerings
  throughout the state and improve student outcomes in alignment with
  state postsecondary goals.
         (b)  The commission is composed of 12 members as follows:
               (1)  four members appointed by the governor;
               (2)  three members appointed by the lieutenant
               (3)  three members appointed by the speaker of the
  house of representatives;
               (4)  one member appointed by the board of the Texas
  Association of Community Colleges; and
               (5)  one member appointed by the board of the Community
  College Association of Texas Trustees.
         (c)  One of the members appointed by the governor must be a
  faculty member at a public junior college as defined by Section
  61.003, and the other members appointed by the governor must be
  representatives of junior college leaders, business leaders, or
  other stakeholders knowledgeable in junior college mission,
  instructional programs, and finance.
         (d)  Members appointed by the lieutenant governor shall
  consist of:
               (1)  two members of the senate; and
               (2)  an administrator from a public junior college as
  defined by Section 61.003.
         (e)  Members appointed by the speaker of the house of
  representatives shall consist of:
               (1)  two members of the house of representatives; and
               (2)  an administrator from a public junior college as
  defined by Section 61.003.
         (f)  In making appointments, the governor, lieutenant
  governor, and speaker of the house of representatives shall
  coordinate to ensure that the membership of the commission
  reflects, to the extent possible, the geographic diversity of Texas
  public junior colleges and the ethnic diversity of the communities
  served by those junior colleges.
         (g)  The commission shall convene not later than October 15,
  2021, and shall continue its activities until completion of a final
         (h)  The commission shall examine trend and forecast data,
  seek stakeholder input, and account for equity in student outcomes
  and based on its findings, make recommendations on:
               (1)  the components of state funding for public junior
  colleges, including contact hour funding formulas established for
  public junior colleges under Subchapter C, Chapter 61, and
  Subchapter A of this chapter; and
               (2)  the feasibility of establishing shared service
  agreements or interinstitutional collaborations through which
  institutions of higher education may perform administrative
  services, other than direct instruction and student support
  services, for other institutions of higher education for a fee or
  other consideration.
         (i)  The commission may seek resource support, including
  data analyses and technical assistance, from the Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board, the Texas Association of Community
  Colleges, and research organizations. The commission may accept
  gifts, grants, and donations from any source to be used to carry out
  a function of the commission.
         (j)  The commission shall submit a final report and
  recommendations to the governor, lieutenant governor, and both
  houses of the legislature not later than November 1, 2022.
         (k)  This section expires January 1, 2023.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.