relating to the powers and duties of certain property owners' |
associations. |
SECTION 1. Section 207.003(c), Property Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) A property owners' association may charge a reasonable |
and necessary fee, not to exceed $250, to assemble, copy, and |
deliver the information required by this section and may charge a |
reasonable and necessary fee, not to exceed $30, to prepare and |
deliver an update of a resale certificate under Subsection (f). |
SECTION 2. Section 207.004(b), Property Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) If a property owners' association fails to deliver the |
information required under Section 207.003 before the fifth |
business [seventh] day after the second request for the information |
was mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, or hand |
delivered, evidenced by receipt, the owner: |
(1) may seek one or any combination of the following: |
(A) a court order directing the property owners' |
association to furnish the required information; |
(B) a judgment against the property owners' |
association for actual damages [not more than $500]; |
(C) a judgment against the property owners' |
association for court costs and reasonable attorney's fees; or |
(D) a judgment authorizing the owner or the |
owner's assignee to deduct the amounts awarded under Paragraphs (B) |
and (C) from any future regular or special assessments payable to |
the property owners' association; and |
(2) may provide a buyer under contract to purchase the |
owner's property an affidavit that states that the owner, owner's |
agent, or title insurance company or its agent acting on behalf of |
the owner made, in accordance with this chapter, two written |
requests to the property owners' association for the information |
described in Section 207.003 and that the association did not |
timely provide the information. |
SECTION 3. Section 207.006, Property Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
property owners' association shall make the current version of the |
association's dedicatory instruments relating to the association |
or subdivision and filed in the county deed records available on the |
homepage of an Internet [a] website accessible to association |
members that is maintained by [if] the association [has,] or by a |
management company on behalf of the association [maintains, a |
publicly accessible website]. |
SECTION 4. Section 209.004, Property Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding Subsection |
(b-1) to read as follows: |
(a) A property owners' association shall record in each |
county in which any portion of the residential subdivision is |
located a management certificate, signed and acknowledged by an |
officer or the managing agent of the association, stating: |
(1) the name of the subdivision; |
(2) the name of the association; |
(3) the recording data for the subdivision; |
(4) the recording data for the declaration and any |
amendments to the declaration; |
(5) the name and mailing address of the association; |
(6) the name, [and] mailing address, telephone number, |
and e-mail address of the person managing the association or the |
association's designated representative; [and] |
(7) the website address of any Internet website on |
which the association's dedicatory instruments are available in |
accordance with Section 207.006; and |
(8) other information the association considers |
appropriate. |
(b) The property owners' association shall record an |
amended management certificate in each county in which any portion |
of the residential subdivision is located not later than the 30th |
day after the date the association has notice of a change in any |
information in the recorded certificate required by Subsection (a). |
(b-1) Not later than the seventh day after the date a |
property owners' association files a management certificate for |
recording under Subsection (a) or files an amended management |
certificate for recording under Subsection (b), the property |
owners' association shall electronically file the management |
certificate or amended management certificate with the Texas Real |
Estate Commission. The Texas Real Estate Commission shall only |
collect the management certificate and amended management |
certificate for the purpose of making the data accessible to the |
general public through an Internet website. |
(c) Except as provided under Subsections (d) and (e), the |
property owners' association and its officers, directors, |
employees, and agents are not subject to liability to any person for |
a delay in recording or failure to record a management certificate |
with a county clerk's office or electronically file the management |
certificate with the Texas Real Estate Commission, unless the delay |
or failure is wilful or caused by gross negligence. |
(e) A lien of a property owners' association that fails to |
file a management certificate or an amended management certificate |
under this section to secure an amount due on the effective date of |
a transfer to a bona fide purchaser is enforceable only for an |
amount incurred after the effective date of sale. An owner is not |
liable for attorney's fees incurred by a property owners' |
association relating to the collection of a delinquent assessment |
against the owner or interest on the amount of a delinquent |
assessment if the attorney's fees are incurred by the association |
or the interest accrues during the period a management certificate |
is not recorded with a county clerk or electronically filed with the |
Texas Real Estate Commission as required by this section. |
SECTION 5. Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by adding |
Section 209.00505 to read as follows: |
this section, "architectural review authority" means the governing |
authority for the review and approval of improvements within a |
subdivision. |
(b) This section: |
(1) applies only to a property owners' association |
that consists of more than 40 lots; and |
(2) does not apply during a development period or |
during any period in which the declarant: |
(A) appoints at least a majority of the members |
of the architectural review authority or otherwise controls the |
appointment of the architectural review authority; or |
(B) has the right to veto or modify a decision of |
the architectural review authority. |
(c) A person may not be appointed or elected to serve on an |
architectural review authority if the person is: |
(1) a current board member; |
(2) a current board member's spouse; |
(3) a person related to a current board member within |
the second degree of consanguinity; or |
(4) a person residing in a current board member's |
household. |
(d) A decision by the architectural review authority |
denying an application or request by an owner for the construction |
of improvements in the subdivision may be appealed to the board. A |
written notice of the denial must be provided to the owner by |
certified mail, hand delivery, or electronic delivery. The notice |
must: |
(1) describe the basis for the denial in reasonable |
detail and changes, if any, to the application or improvements |
required as a condition to approval; and |
(2) inform the owner that the owner may request a |
hearing under Subsection (e) on or before the 30th day after the |
date the notice was mailed to the owner. |
(e) The board shall hold a hearing under this section not |
later than the 30th day after the date the board receives the |
owner's request for a hearing and shall notify the owner of the |
date, time, and place of the hearing not later than the 10th day |
before the date of the hearing. Only one hearing is required under |
this subsection. |
(f) During a hearing, the board or the designated |
representative of the property owners' association and the owner or |
the owner's designated representative will each be provided the |
opportunity to discuss, verify facts, and resolve the denial of the |
owner's application or request for the construction of |
improvements, and the changes, if any, requested by the |
architectural review authority in the notice provided to the owner |
under Subsection (d). |
(g) The board or the owner may request a postponement. If |
requested, a postponement shall be granted for a period of not more |
than 10 days. Additional postponements may be granted by agreement |
of the parties. |
(h) The property owners' association or the owner may make |
an audio recording of the meeting. |
SECTION 6. Sections 209.0051(e) and (h), Property Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(e) Members shall be given notice of the date, hour, place, |
and general subject of a regular or special board meeting, |
including a general description of any matter to be brought up for |
deliberation in executive session. The notice shall be: |
(1) mailed to each property owner not later than the |
10th day or earlier than the 60th day before the date of the |
meeting; or |
(2) provided at least 144 [72] hours before the start |
of a regular board [the] meeting and at least 72 hours before the |
start of a special board meeting by: |
(A) posting the notice in a conspicuous manner |
reasonably designed to provide notice to property owners' |
association members: |
(i) in a place located on the association's |
common property or, with the property owner's consent, on other |
conspicuously located privately owned property within the |
subdivision; or |
(ii) on the home page of any Internet |
website accessible by association members that is maintained by the |
association or by a management company on behalf of the association |
[other Internet media]; and |
(B) sending the notice by e-mail to each owner |
who has registered an e-mail address with the association. |
(h) Except as provided by this subsection, a board may take |
action outside of a meeting, including voting by electronic or |
telephonic means, without prior notice to owners under Subsection |
(e), if each board member is given a reasonable opportunity to |
express the board member's opinion to all other board members and to |
vote. Any action taken without notice to owners under Subsection |
(e) must be summarized orally, including an explanation of any |
known actual or estimated expenditures approved at the meeting, and |
documented in the minutes of the next regular or special board |
meeting. The board may not, unless done in an open meeting for |
which prior notice was given to owners under Subsection (e), |
consider or vote on: |
(1) fines; |
(2) damage assessments; |
(3) initiation of foreclosure actions; |
(4) initiation of enforcement actions, excluding |
temporary restraining orders or violations involving a threat to |
health or safety; |
(5) increases in assessments; |
(6) levying of special assessments; |
(7) appeals from a denial of architectural review |
authority [control] approval; |
(8) a suspension of a right of a particular owner |
before the owner has an opportunity to attend a board meeting to |
present the owner's position, including any defense, on the issue; |
(9) lending or borrowing money; |
(10) the adoption or amendment of a dedicatory |
instrument; |
(11) the approval of an annual budget or the approval |
of an amendment of an annual budget [that increases the budget by |
more than 10 percent]; |
(12) the sale or purchase of real property; |
(13) the filling of a vacancy on the board; |
(14) the construction of capital improvements other |
than the repair, replacement, or enhancement of existing capital |
improvements; or |
(15) the election of an officer. |
SECTION 7. Section 209.0055(a), Property Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a property owners' |
association that: |
(1) provides maintenance, preservation, and |
architectural review authority [control] of residential and |
commercial property within a defined geographic area in a county |
with a population of 2.8 million or more or in a county adjacent to a |
county with a population of 2.8 million or more; and |
(2) is a corporation that: |
(A) is governed by a board of trustees who may |
employ a general manager to execute the association's bylaws and |
administer the business of the corporation; |
(B) does not require membership in the |
corporation by the owners of the property within the defined area; |
and |
(C) was incorporated before January 1, 2006. |
SECTION 8. Section 209.006(a), Property Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) Before a property owners' association may suspend an |
owner's right to use a common area, file a suit against an owner |
other than a suit to collect a regular or special assessment or |
foreclose under an association's lien, charge an owner for property |
damage, [or] levy a fine for a violation of the restrictions or |
bylaws or rules of the association, or report any delinquency of an |
owner to a credit reporting service, the association or its agent |
must give written notice to the owner by certified mail. |
SECTION 9. Section 209.0063(a), Property Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a payment received |
by a property owners' association from the owner shall be applied to |
the owner's debt in the following order of priority: |
(1) any delinquent assessment; |
(2) any current assessment; |
(3) any reasonable attorney's fees or reasonable third |
party collection costs incurred by the association associated |
solely with assessments or any other charge that could provide the |
basis for foreclosure; |
(4) any reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the |
association that are not subject to Subdivision (3); |
(5) any reasonable fines assessed by the association; |
and |
(6) any other reasonable amount owed to the |
association. |
SECTION 10. Section 209.0064(b), Property Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) A property owners' association may not hold an owner |
liable for fees of a collection agent retained by the association |
unless the association first provides written notice to the owner |
by certified mail that: |
(1) specifies each delinquent amount and the total |
amount of the payment required to make the account current; |
(2) if the association is subject to Section 209.0062 |
or the association's dedicatory instruments contain a requirement |
to offer a payment plan, describes the options the owner has to |
avoid having the account turned over to a collection agent, |
including information regarding availability of a payment plan |
through the association; and |
(3) provides a period of at least 45 [30] days for the |
owner to cure the delinquency before further collection action is |
taken. |
SECTION 11. Chapter 209, Property Code, is amended by |
adding Section 209.0065 to read as follows: |
Sec. 209.0065. CREDIT REPORTING SERVICES. (a) A property |
owners' association or the association's collection agent may not |
report any delinquent fines, fees, or assessments to a credit |
reporting service that are the subject of a pending dispute between |
the owner and the property owners' association. |
(b) A property owners' association may report delinquent |
payment history assessments, fines, and fees of property owners |
within its jurisdiction to a credit reporting service only if: |
(1) at least 30 business days before reporting to a |
credit reporting service, the association sends, via certified |
mail, hand delivery, electronic delivery, or by other delivery |
means acceptable between the parties, a detailed report of all |
delinquent charges owed; and |
(2) a property owner has been given the opportunity to |
enter into a payment plan. |
SECTION 12. Section 209.007, Property Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (f), (g), and (h) to |
read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (d) and only if [If] |
the owner is entitled to an opportunity to cure the violation, the |
owner has the right to submit a written request for a hearing to |
discuss and verify facts and resolve the matter in issue before [a |
committee appointed by] the board [of the property owners' |
association or before the board if the board does not appoint a |
committee]. |
(f) Not later than 10 days before the association holds a |
hearing under this section, the association shall provide to an |
owner a packet containing all documents, photographs, and |
communications relating to the matter the association intends to |
introduce at the hearing. |
(g) If an association does not provide a packet within the |
period described by Subsection (f), an owner is entitled to an |
automatic 15-day postponement of the hearing. |
(h) During a hearing, a member of the board or the |
association's designated representative shall first present the |
association's case against the owner. An owner or the owner's |
designated representative is entitled to rebut the association's |
information, present the owner's information, and present issues |
relevant to the appeal or dispute. |
SECTION 13. Section 209.015(c), Property Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) An owner must obtain the approval of the property |
owners' association or, if applicable, an architectural review |
authority, as defined by Section 209.00505(a), [committee] |
established by the association or the association's dedicatory |
instruments, based on criteria prescribed by the dedicatory |
instruments specific to the use of a lot for residential purposes, |
including reasonable restrictions regarding size, location, |
shielding, and aesthetics of the residential purpose, before the |
owner begins the construction, placement, or erection of a |
building, structure, or other improvement for the residential |
purpose on an adjacent lot. |
SECTION 14. Section 209.016, Property Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as |
follows: |
(d) Nothing [Except as provided by Subsection (b), nothing] |
in this section shall be construed to prohibit the adoption or |
enforcement of a provision in a dedicatory instrument establishing |
a restriction relating to occupancy or leasing. |
(e) A property owners' association may request the |
following information to be submitted to the association regarding |
a lease or rental applicant: |
(1) contact information, including the name, mailing |
address, phone number, and e-mail address of each person who will |
reside at a property in the subdivision under a lease; and |
(2) the commencement date and term of the lease. |
SECTION 15. The following provisions of the Property Code |
are repealed: |
(1) Sections 204.003(c) and (d); |
(2) Section 209.007(b); and |
(3) Sections 209.016(a) and (c). |
SECTION 16. (a) Not later than December 1, 2021, the Texas |
Real Estate Commission shall establish and make available the |
system necessary for the electronic filing of management |
certificates and amended management certificates as required under |
Section 209.004(b-1), Property Code, as added by this Act. |
(b) Notwithstanding Section 209.004(b-1), Property Code, as |
added by this Act, a property owners' association that has on or |
before December 1, 2021, recorded a management certificate or |
amended management certificate with a county clerk under Section |
209.004, Property Code, shall electronically file the most recently |
recorded management certificate or amended management certificate |
with the Texas Real Estate Commission not later than June 1, 2022. |
SECTION 17. Section 209.0065, Property Code, as added by |
this Act, applies only to a fine, fee, or assessment that becomes |
due on or after the effective date of this Act. A fine, fee, or |
assessment that becomes due before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date |
of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 18. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of |
this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |
(b) Section 209.004(b-1), Property Code, as added by this |
Act, takes effect December 1, 2021. |
* * * * * |