By: Taylor  S.B. No. 2008
         (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 2021; April 1, 2021, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Natural Resources &
  Economic Development; April 21, 2021, reported favorably by the
  following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; April 21, 2021, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site;
  authorizing fees.
         SECTION 1.  Section 442.252, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  HISTORY] ASSOCIATION.  (a) In this section, "association" means
  the [The] San Jacinto Museum and Battlefield [of History]
  Association, which was previously known as the San Jacinto Museum
  of History Association.
         (b)  The association is a nonprofit historical association
  organized for the purposes of operating the San Jacinto Memorial
  Building and Tower and establishing a museum. The association[,]
  retains ownership of property and historical data held in the name
  of the association and may acquire museum accessions by gift,
  grant, or purchase from association funds.
         (c)  The commission shall designate the association as the
  entity responsible for operating the San Jacinto Memorial Building
  and Tower, operating the museum, engaging in related activities on
  the battleground at the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic
  Site, and providing financial support for the association's
  responsibilities under this section. The commission is responsible
  for maintaining and repairing the San Jacinto Memorial Building and
  Tower and providing utilities required for operation of the San
  Jacinto Memorial Building and Tower and related facilities.
         (d)  The commission may enter into an agreement with the
  association for the purposes of: 
               (1)  expanding, renovating, managing, maintaining,
  operating, or providing financial support for the San Jacinto
  Battleground State Historic Site, including the administration and
  operation of a history museum and related activities in the San
  Jacinto Memorial Building and Tower or on the battleground; 
               (2)  maintaining, preserving, restoring, and
  protecting the historic San Jacinto battleground; 
               (3)  promoting and conducting archeological studies at
  the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site; 
               (4)  maintaining, repairing, renovating, restoring,
  improving, expanding, or equipping the San Jacinto Memorial
  Building and Tower, museum, or battleground for one or more
  projects, including construction of new or additional facilities; 
               (5)  designing and fabricating exhibits and
  preserving, storing, and displaying artifacts, historical data,
  and items of historical significance, including artifacts, data,
  and items owned or held by the association;
               (6)  creating interpretive and educational programs;
               (7)  acquiring additional artifacts, historical data,
  and items of historical significance relevant to the battle at San
  Jacinto, the Texas Revolution and the period in which it occurred,
  and early Texas settlement and culture; and 
               (8)  preserving, restoring, storing, and conserving
  artifacts, historical data, and items of historical significance.
         (e)  Under the terms of an agreement with the commission, the
  association may, in connection with the association's activities
  regarding the San Jacinto Memorial Building and Tower, the museum,
  and the San Jacinto Battleground, charge and collect fees,
  including entry fees and fees for viewing exhibits or films,
  attending programs or events, and utilizing the elevator or other
  facilities, and collect revenue from gift shop and concession
  sales. The association shall hold, invest, manage, use, and apply
  money received from those fees and sales for the benefit of the San
  Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, and may exercise
  discretion, subject to the terms of the association's agreement
  with the commission, regarding business operations, exhibits,
  programing, collection management, preservation, restoration and
  storage, and site development at the San Jacinto Battleground State
  Historic Site.
         (f)  The commission may appoint two nonvoting members to the
  association's board of trustees. The commission may advise the
  association on museum operations, interpretation, history,
  preservation, archeology, education, nature, philanthropy, and
  business development. 
         (g)  In the event of the association's dissolution, the
  commission is the sole beneficiary of all items held in the
  association's name that relate to the revolutionary and battle
  history of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site and to
  early Texas settlement and culture, except as otherwise provided by
  the association's articles of incorporation or the terms of the
  gift or other transfer of the items to the association. The items
  for which the commission is not the sole beneficiary must be clearly
  identified and described on an agreed list prepared jointly by the
  commission and the association.
         (h)  The commission may adopt rules to establish:
               (1)  guidelines under which the association may solicit
  and accept sponsorships or donations from private entities in
  connection with the association's activities at the San Jacinto
  Battleground State Historic Site; and
               (2)  best practices under which the association may
  engage in activities described by this section, including
  procurement guidelines for the use of state funds.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter F, Chapter 442, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 442.253 to read as follows:
         Sec. 442.253.  EXECUTIVE MANAGER; OTHER EMPLOYEES. (a) The
  commission may employ an executive manager to manage the business
  operations and direct staff at the San Jacinto Battleground State
  Historic Site.
         (b)  The executive manager is responsible for managing the
  business operations of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic
  Site on behalf of the commission and the San Jacinto Museum and
  Battlefield Association. The executive manager's duties as they
  relate to the commission and the association must be specified in an
  agreement between the commission and the association.
         (c)  The commission may hire employees the commission
  determines are necessary to fulfill the commission's duties and
  responsibilities related to the San Jacinto Battleground State
  Historic Site. The employees report to the executive manager.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.
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