WHEREAS, Colon cancer is a dangerous and all-too-common
  disease that afflicts individuals across the nation and around
  the globe, and a considerable number of cases of colon cancer
  arise from an inherited genetic condition; and
         WHEREAS, Approximately 4.2 percent of the total U.S.
  population will develop some form of colon cancer in their
  lifetime; out of all colon cancer cases, about 5 to 10 percent are
  hereditary, meaning that they are linked to genetic mutations
  passed down by the individual's mother or father; overall, about
  one in every 200 people is born with an inherited condition that
  increases his or her chance of developing colon cancer; and
         WHEREAS, Hereditary colon cancer conditions affect
  individuals at younger ages, often before regular colorectal
  cancer screenings begin at age 50; compounding the issue, medical
  professionals are frequently undertrained in the diagnosis and
  treatment of hereditary colon cancers, which can be an obstacle
  to effective and timely intervention; and
         WHEREAS, Early screening and treatment are crucial to
  improving outcomes for patients with hereditary colon cancer; it
  is important to identify families with inherited syndromes
  linked to colorectal cancer or with a history of colorectal
  cancer or its associated risk factors; the members of such
  families may benefit from receiving regular screenings at a
  younger age than the standard recommendation; and
         WHEREAS, Increased public awareness is a powerful weapon
  in the fight against colon cancer, and Texans can greatly benefit
  from assessing their family history of the disease and learning
  more about screening, genetic testing, counseling, and other
  actions that they can take to protect their health; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th
  Legislature, hereby recognize the fourth week of March 2021 as
  Hereditary Colon Cancer Syndrome Awareness Week and encourage
  all citizens to learn more about this serious condition.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 23, 2021.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate