WHEREAS, The Texas Commission on the Arts has announced the
  2022 appointments for State Poet Laureate, State Musician, State
  Two-Dimensional Artist, and State Three-Dimensional Artist; and
         WHEREAS, The state's highest accolade for excellence in the
  arts, designation as a Texas State Artist is conferred on those
  individuals who represent the best of our rich and diverse
  artistic community and who inspire others through their unique
  creative expression; and
         WHEREAS, The 2022 State Poet Laureate is writer and
  educator Lupe Mendez; his 2019 book, Why I Am Like Tequila, won
  the John A. Robertson Award from the Texas Institute of Letters,
  and his work can also be seen in a variety of publications,
  including Aster(ix), the Kenyon Review, Gulf Coast, and the
  Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day series; holding a master's
  degree in creative writing from The University of Texas at El
  Paso, he has been awarded fellowships by CantoMundo, the Macondo
  Foundation, and the Crescendo Literary/Poetry Foundation
  Emerging Poet Incubator; moreover, he is an activist and the
  founder of Tintero Projects, which works with Latinx writers and
  other writers of color; and
         WHEREAS, Known as the "Queen of the Accordion," Eva Ybarra
  has been named the 2022 State Musician; the leader of Eva Ybarra y
  Su Conjunto, she specializes in writing and composing original
  conjunto music, and she is known for pushing the boundaries of
  the genre by exploring nonstandard chord progressions; she began
  playing the accordion at four years old and received her first
  record deal, with Rosina Records, at just 14; in the 1990s, she
  released a number of records that further raised her profile, and
  she has taught at the University of Washington, Palo Alto
  College, and the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center; she is the
  recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the South Texas
  Conjunto Association and a National Heritage Fellowship from the
  National Endowment for the Arts; and
         WHEREAS, Celia Álvarez Muñoz is the 2022 State
  Two-Dimensional Artist; a conceptual multimedia artist known for
  her photography, installations, and public art, she is
  represented in many public and private collections, and her work
  has been included in the Whitney Biennial and, more recently, in
  an internationally touring exhibition called "Radical Women:
  Latin American Art, 1960-1985"; she is the recipient of two
  National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, a CAA Committee on
  Women in the Arts Recognition Award, and a Lifetime Achievement
  Award in the Visual Arts from Art League Houston; and
         WHEREAS, African American sculptor Jesse Lott has been
  chosen as the 2022 State Three-Dimensional Artist; inspired by
  collecting and recycling discarded items, he works with a variety
  of materials, including paper, metal, wood, and wire; his solo
  exhibition, "Jesse Lott: Urban Frontier Artist," was presented
  by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Washington, D.C., and the
  Houston Art Car Museum, and his pieces have also been shown at the
  Studio Museum and Alternative Museum in New York; he has held an
  all-ages workshop in his studio for many years, and he helped
  motivate the creation of the Project Row Houses in Houston; he
  was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award in the Visual
  Arts by Art League Houston in 2016; and
         WHEREAS, The artists who have been selected to hold these
  prestigious posts have all greatly contributed to the vibrant
  cultural life of the Lone Star State, and Texas is indeed
  fortunate to be home to these talented individuals; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th
  Legislature, hereby congratulate the 2022 Texas Commission on
  the Arts honorees and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued fulfillment in their creative endeavors.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 18, 2021.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate