BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 87th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, That Senate Rule 12.03 be |
suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the |
conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on Senate |
Bill 2 (the governance of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, |
the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and an independent |
organization certified to manage a power region) to consider and |
take action on the following matters: |
(1) Senate Rules 12.03(1), (3), and (4) are suspended to |
permit the committee to amend text not in disagreement, to add text |
on a matter not in disagreement, and to add text on a matter not |
included in either the house or senate version of the bill in |
proposed SECTION 3 of the bill, in amended Sections 39.151(g) and |
(g-1), Utilities Code, and added Sections 39.151(g-2), (g-3), and |
(g-4), Utilities Code, to read as follows: |
(g) To maintain certification as an independent |
organization for the ERCOT power region under this section, an |
organization's governing body must be composed of persons selected |
by the ERCOT board selection committee [specified by this section |
and selected in accordance with formal bylaws or protocols of the |
organization]. |
(g-1) The independent organization's bylaws or protocols |
must be approved by the commission and must reflect the input of the |
commission. [The bylaws must specify the process by which |
appropriate stakeholders elect members and, for unaffiliated |
members, prescribe professional qualifications for selection as a |
member.] The bylaws must require that every member of the governing |
body be a resident of this state and must prohibit a legislator from |
serving as a member [the use of a professional search firm to |
identify candidates for membership of unaffiliated members. The |
process must allow for commission input in identifying candidates]. |
The governing body must be composed of: |
(1) the chairman of the commission as an ex officio |
nonvoting member; |
(2) the counsellor as an ex officio voting member |
representing residential and small commercial consumer interests; |
(3) the chief executive officer of the independent |
organization as an ex officio nonvoting [voting] member; and |
(4) eight members selected by the selection committee |
under Section 39.1513 with executive-level experience in any of the |
following professions: |
(A) finance; |
(B) business; |
(C) engineering, including electrical |
engineering; |
(D) trading; |
(E) risk management; |
(F) law; or |
(G) electric market design [six market |
participants elected by their respective market segments to serve |
one-year terms, with: |
[(A) one representing independent generators; |
[(B) one representing investor-owned utilities; |
[(C) one representing power marketers; |
[(D) one representing retail electric providers; |
[(E) one representing municipally owned |
utilities; and |
[(F) one representing electric cooperatives; |
[(5) one member representing industrial consumer |
interests and elected by the industrial consumer market segment to |
serve a one-year term; |
[(6) one member representing large commercial |
consumer interests selected in accordance with the bylaws to serve |
a one-year term; and |
[(7) five members unaffiliated with any market segment |
and selected by the other members of the governing body to serve |
three-year terms]. |
(g-2) Members [(g-1) The presiding officer] of the |
governing body are entitled to receive a salary for their service |
[must be one of the members described by Subsection (g)(7)]. |
(g-3) A person does not qualify for selection as a member of |
the governing body of an independent organization for the ERCOT |
power region if the person has a fiduciary duty or assets in the |
electricity market for that region. |
(g-4) To maintain certification as an independent |
organization under this section, the organization's governing body |
may not include more than two members who are employed by an |
institution of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003, |
Education Code, in a professorial role. |
Explanation: This change is necessary to provide for the |
composition of the governing body of an independent organization |
certified under Section 39.151, Utilities Code, for the Electric |
Reliability Council of Texas power region and to establish |
requirements relating to the eligibility and selection of members |
of the governing body. |
(2) Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the |
committee to omit text not in disagreement in SECTION 3 of the |
senate engrossment of Senate Bill 2 and the corresponding bill as |
the bill was amended by the house in added Section 39.151(g-2), |
Utilities Code. The omitted text reads: |
(g-2) A person does not qualify for appointment as a member |
of the governing body of an independent organization under |
Subsection (g)(3) or (7) if the person is required to register as a |
lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code. In making an |
appointment under Subsection (g)(3) or (7), the governor: |
(1) shall give preference to a person who has |
executive-level business experience representing a range of |
industries; and |
(2) may consider a person recommended by the |
legislature. |
(g-2) A person does not qualify for selection as a member of |
the governing body of an independent organization under Subsection |
(g)(3) or (7) if the person is required to register as a lobbyist |
under Chapter 305, Government Code. In making a selection under |
Subsection (g)(3) or (7), the members of the governing body shall |
give preference to a person who has executive-level business |
experience representing a range of industries. |
Explanation: The change is necessary to omit the |
qualification and selection requirements. |
(3) Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the |
committee to omit text not in disagreement in SECTION 3 of the |
senate engrossment of Senate Bill 2 and the corresponding bill as |
the bill was amended by the house in added Section 39.151(g-3), |
Utilities Code. The omitted text reads: |
(g-3) Members of the governing body of an independent |
organization certified under this section must serve staggered |
terms. A member described by Subsection (g)(4) or (5) must serve a |
term that expires in an even-numbered year. A member described by |
Subsection (g)(6) or (7) must serve a term that expires in an |
odd-numbered year. As soon as practicable after the date a member of |
the governing body's term expires, the appropriate authority must |
appoint or arrange for the election of a replacement in the same |
manner as the original appointment or election. If a vacancy occurs |
on the governing body, the appropriate authority must appoint or |
arrange for the election of a successor in the same manner as the |
original appointment or election to serve for the remainder of the |
unexpired term. |
Explanation: The change is necessary to omit the term and |
vacancy requirements. |
(4) Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the |
committee to add text on a matter not included in either the house |
or senate version of the bill by adding the following new SECTION to |
the bill: |
SECTION 4. Subchapter D, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is |
amended by adding Section 39.1513 to read as follows: |
ERCOT board selection committee is composed of: |
(1) one member appointed by the governor; |
(2) one member appointed by the lieutenant governor; |
and |
(3) one member appointed by the speaker of the house of |
representatives. |
(b) A person may not be appointed as a member of the |
committee unless the person is a resident of this state. |
(c) A member of the committee is not entitled to |
compensation for serving as a member but is entitled to |
reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in |
performing the official duties of office. |
(d) The committee shall select members eligible under |
Section 39.151 to serve on the governing body of an independent |
organization certified under that section for the ERCOT power |
region and shall designate the chair and vice chair of the governing |
body from those members. |
(e) The ERCOT board selection committee shall retain an |
outside consulting firm to help select members of the governing |
body under Subsection (d). |
Explanation: The addition is necessary to provide for the |
creation of a committee to select the members of a governing body of |
an independent organization certified under Section 39.151, |
Utilities Code, for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas power |
region. |
(5) Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the |
committee to omit text not in disagreement in SECTION 4 of the |
senate engrossment of Senate Bill 2 and the corresponding bill as |
the bill was amended by the house that would require an independent |
organization certified by the Public Utility Commission of Texas |
under Section 39.151, Utilities Code, to modify the organization to |
comply with Section 39.151, Utilities Code, as amended by the bill, |
not later than September 1, 2021. The omitted language reads: "not |
later than September 1, 2021". |
Explanation: The omission is necessary to provide |
sufficient time for the ERCOT Board Selection Committee to be |
formed and for the committee to select members of the governing body |
of the independent organization certified under Section 39.151, |
Utilities Code, for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas power |
region. |