Supplemental House Calendar

Tuesday, May 25, 2021



********** MAJOR STATE CALENDAR **********

SB 4                Buckingham / et al.

SP: Burrows

Relating to provisions in agreements between governmental entities and professional sports teams requiring the United States national anthem to be played at team events.

SB 15               Nichols / et al.

SP: King, Phil / Stucky / Perez / Ashby

Relating to the Texas Consumer Privacy Act Phase I; creating criminal offenses; increasing the punishment for an existing criminal offense.

SB 30               West / et al.

SP: Leach / Thompson, Senfronia

Relating to the removal of certain discriminatory provisions from a recorded conveyance instrument or document.

SB 1580             Hancock / et al.

SP: Paddie

Relating to the use of securitization by electric cooperatives to address certain weather-related extraordinary costs and expenses.

********** GENERAL STATE CALENDAR **********

SB 23               Huffman / et al.

SP: Oliverson / Harless / et al.

Relating to an election to approve a reduction or reallocation of funding or resources for certain county law enforcement agencies.

SB 1047             Seliger / et al.

SP: Smithee

Relating to the execution of a search warrant for taking a blood specimen from certain persons in certain intoxication offenses.

SB 64               Nelson / et al.

SP: White

Relating to a peer support network for certain law enforcement personnel.

SB 398              Menéndez / et al.

SP: Deshotel

Relating to distributed renewable generation resources.

SB 331              Johnson

SP: Button / Cain / González, Jessica / Hinojosa / Shaheen

Relating to eligibility to serve as an interpreter in an election.

SB 790              Zaffirini

SP: Howard

Relating to county authority to balance bill for county air ambulance services.

SB 1427             Bettencourt

SP: Shine

Relating to the applicability of the temporary exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of certain property damaged by a disaster.

SB 335              Johnson / et al.

SP: Wu

Relating to the taking of a specimen to test for intoxication and retention and preservation of toxicological evidence of certain intoxication offenses.

SB 477              Nelson

SP: Meyer

Relating to the administration and collection of sales and use taxes and certain fees applicable to sales involving marketplace providers.

SB 794              Campbell / et al.

SP: Meyer

Relating to eligibility for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of a totally disabled veteran.

SB 797              Hughes

SP: Oliverson / Huberty / Hefner / Anderson / Noble / et al.

Relating to the display of the national motto in public schools and institutions of higher education.

SB 1387             Creighton / et al.

SP: Clardy / Hefner / Cain / Jetton / Swanson / et al.

Relating to a requirement that a voting system used in an election in this state be manufactured, stored, and held in the United States by a company headquartered in the United States.

SB 1111             Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Paul / Anderson / Tinderholt / Thompson, Ed / Schofield

Relating to the residence address of a voter for purposes of a response to a confirmation notice sent by the voter registrar.

SB 109              West / et al.

SP: Meyer

Relating to the criminal offense of fraudulent securing of document execution.

SB 678              Alvarado / et al.

SP: Button

Relating to the creation of the small business disaster recovery loan program.

SB 1531             West

SP: Turner, Chris

Relating to formula funding for excess undergraduate credit hours at public institutions of higher education and to the tuition rate that may be charged for those credit hours.

SB 1582             Hughes

SP: White

Relating to examinations for applicants for or holders of licenses or registrations to perform certain activities pertaining to compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas.

SB 1816             Seliger

SP: Thompson, Ed

Relating to certain temporary vehicle permits and tags.

SB 1668             Hughes

SP: Raney

Relating to certification and examination requirements for persons engaged in liquefied petroleum gas activities.

SB 165              Blanco

SP: Fierro

Relating to an exception to dropped course limitations at public institutions of higher education for courses dropped during a disaster that results in a bar or limit on in-person course attendance.

SB 1764             Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Shine

Relating to the payment of delinquent ad valorem taxes on property subject to a tax sale.

SB 112              West

SP: Sherman, Sr. / White

Relating to the procedures for the installation and use of tracking equipment and for access to certain communications and location information by law enforcement and the admissibility of certain evidence obtained through those procedures.

SB 1780             Creighton / et al.

SP: Burrows / Walle / Bonnen

Relating to the protection of public health in this state, including through the establishment of the Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

SB 2158             Campbell / et al.

SP: Frank

Relating to requiring the Texas Education Agency to provide identification kits to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools for distribution to the parent or legal custodian of certain students.

SB 424              Hinojosa / et al.

SP: Hunter

Relating to state agency enforcement of laws regulating small businesses.

SB 938              Campbell / et al.

SP: Holland

Relating to an exemption from the franchise tax and certain filing fees for certain businesses owned by veterans during an initial period of operation in the state.

SB 1179             Birdwell

SP: Anderson

Relating to the procedure for donating juror reimbursements.

SB 1341             Springer

SP: Shaheen

Relating to eligibility for certain benefits provided under public assistance programs.

SB 1697             Paxton

SP: King, Ken / Pacheco

Relating to allowing parents and guardians to elect for a student to repeat or retake a course or grade.

SB 1602             Taylor

SP: Thompson, Ed

Relating to nonrenewal of certain property and casualty insurance policies for the insured's failure to cooperate in a claim investigation, settlement, or defense.

SB 741              Birdwell

SP: Sanford

Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a school marshal.

SB 793              Campbell

SP: King, Phil

Relating to a ribbon for certain service members of the military who served in support of operations to secure this state's international border.

SB 783              Creighton

SP: Murphy

Relating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain projects by public institutions of higher education.

SB 475              Nelson / et al.

SP: Capriglione

Relating to state agency and local government information management and security, including establishment of the state risk and authorization management program and the Texas volunteer incident response team; authorizing fees.

SB 484              Hinojosa

SP: Leach

Relating to the right of a member of the state military forces to retain private legal counsel and file a civil action.

SB 63               Nelson / et al.

SP: Meyer

Relating to the system for appraising property for ad valorem tax purposes.

SB 204              Schwertner / et al.

SP: Huberty

Relating to the operation of a public school transportation system.

SB 62               Zaffirini

SP: Smithee

Relating to permitting the Texas Ethics Commission to provide seminars and charge an attendance fee for those seminars.

SB 800              Nelson

SP: Paddie

Relating to certain required reports or information received or prepared by state agencies and other governmental entities.

SB 799              Nelson

SP: Paddie

Relating to contracting procedures and requirements for governmental entities.

SB 403              Johnson

SP: Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to a right of first refusal applicable to the sale of housing developments that have received certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

SB 957              Zaffirini

SP: Krause

Relating to the denial or reduction of an award otherwise payable under the Crime Victims' Compensation Act.

SB 766              Huffman / et al.

SP: Leach / Thompson, Senfronia / Hunter / Thierry

Relating to sexually oriented businesses, including a requirement to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify, and restricting the age of persons employed by or allowed on the premises; creating criminal offenses.

SB 828              Hughes

SP: Paddie

Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities.

SB 907              Perry

SP: Lambert

Relating to the application for and issuance of a marriage license through the use of remote technology.

SB 1267             West

SP: Lozano

Relating to continuing education and training requirements for educators and other school district personnel.

SB 1094             Creighton / et al.

SP: Frullo

Relating to the payment of certain education expenses using the state's programs for paying, prepaying, or saving toward the costs of attending an institution of higher education.

SB 1088             Creighton

SP: Shine

Relating to the applicability of provisions entitling certain lessees to receive a copy of a notice of appraised value delivered to a property owner by the chief appraiser of an appraisal district.

SB 916              Seliger

SP: Meyer

Relating to certain information regarding appraisal district noncompliance and property values in the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation records of a professional property tax appraiser serving as chief appraiser for the district.

SB 2038             Menéndez / et al.

SP: Dean / Oliverson / Guillen

Relating to prices and fees charged by certain freestanding emergency medical care facilities during a declared state of disaster; providing administrative penalties.

SB 69               Miles / et al.

SP: White / Reynolds / Rose / Thompson, Senfronia

Relating to prohibiting peace officers from using neck restraints during a search or arrest.

********** POSTPONED BUSINESS **********

SB 1281             Hancock

SP: King, Phil

Relating to a reliability assessment of the ERCOT power grid and certificates of public convenience and necessity for certain transmission projects.

SB 10               Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Paddie

Relating to certain requirements applicable to political subdivisions and other entities that engage in lobbying and to the applicability of lobbyist registration requirements to a person who provides legal services to a political subdivision.

********** POSTPONED BUSINESS **********

SB 1282             Hancock / et al.

SP: Paddie / Vasut

Relating to cost recovery for costs arising from the interconnection of certain electric generation facilities with the ERCOT transmission system.

********** POSTPONED BUSINESS **********
UNTIL 10:00 AM

SB 12               Hughes / et al.

SP: Sanford / Metcalf / Smithee / et al.

Relating to complaint procedures and disclosure requirements for social media platforms and to the censorship of users' expressions by an interactive computer service.

********** POSTPONED BUSINESS **********

SB 2185             Hinojosa

SP: Canales

Relating to procedures for the dissolution of the Hidalgo County Water Improvement District No. 3.

********** MAJOR STATE CALENDAR **********

SB 14               Creighton / et al.

SP: King, Phil / Paddie / Metcalf / Burrows / Lucio III / et al.

Relating to the regulation by a municipality or county of certain employment benefits and policies.

SB 2233             Menéndez / et al.

SP: Howard / Thompson, Senfronia

Relating to the completion of sexual harassment prevention training and ethics training to register as a lobbyist.

SB 1336             Hancock / et al.

SP: Bonnen / Oliverson / Paul / Krause / Schofield

Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations.

SB 966              Kolkhorst / et al.

SP: Klick

Relating to legislative oversight during a public health disaster or public health emergency, including the establishment of a legislative public health oversight board.

SB 321              Huffman / et al.

SP: Bonnen

Relating to contributions to, benefits from, and the administration of the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

SB 968              Kolkhorst / et al.

SP: Klick

Relating to public health disaster and public health emergency preparedness and response; providing a civil penalty.

SB 1232             Taylor

SP: Bonnen

Relating to the management and investment of the permanent school fund, including authorizing the creation of the Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation to manage and invest the fund and limiting the authority of the School Land Board to manage and invest the fund if the corporation is created.

SB 29               Perry / et al.

SP: Dutton / King, Ken

Relating to requiring public school students to compete in interscholastic athletic competitions based on sex and a study conducted by the University Interscholastic League on the effects of allowing a student to participate in an athletic competition designated for the sex opposite to the student's sex.

SB 1365             Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Huberty / Dutton / King, Ken / Murphy / Oliverson

Relating to public school organization, accountability, and fiscal management.

********** GENERAL STATE CALENDAR **********

SB 576              Hinojosa / et al.

SP: Lozano

Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the offense of smuggling of persons.

SB 452              West / et al.

SP: Rose

Relating to prevention and early intervention programs and practices.

SB 36               Zaffirini

SP: Turner, Chris

Relating to the offense of hazing.

SB 1716             Taylor / et al.

SP: Bonnen / Dutton

Relating to a supplemental special education services and instructional materials program for certain public school students receiving special education services.

SB 1888             Creighton

SP: Parker

Relating to the establishment of certain programs to facilitate early high school graduation and enrollment at public institutions of higher education and to the repeal of the Early High School Graduation Scholarship program.

SB 1936             Hughes

SP: Cook / Swanson

Relating to the beginning and ending possession times in certain standard possession orders in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.

SB 1921             Lucio

SP: Guillen

Relating to Medicaid reimbursement for the provision of certain behavioral health and physical health services.

SB 2081             Menéndez / et al.

SP: Talarico

Relating to class size limits for prekindergarten classes provided by or on behalf of public schools.

SB 248              Johnson / et al.

SP: Thierry

Relating to the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes; requiring occupational permits; imposing fees; providing civil and administrative penalties; creating criminal offenses.

SB 1495             Huffman / et al.

SP: Turner, John

Relating to certain criminal offenses related to highways and motor vehicles; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.

SB 1696             Paxton

SP: Wilson

Relating to establishing a system for the sharing of information regarding cyber attacks or other cybersecurity incidents occurring in schools in this state.

SB 2050             Menéndez / et al.

SP: Allison / Meza

Relating to bullying and cyberbullying in public schools.

SB 1418             Schwertner

SP: Wilson

Relating to the compensation of the presiding judge of an early ballot voting board.

SB 1261             Birdwell / et al.

SP: Landgraf

Relating to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in this state and the express preemption of local regulation of those emissions.

SB 1145             Perry

SP: Buckley

Relating to the advertising and labeling of certain food products.

SB 969              Kolkhorst

SP: Klick

Relating to reporting procedures for and information concerning public health disasters and to certain public health studies; providing a civil penalty.

SB 984              Schwertner / et al.

SP: Klick

Relating to public health disaster and public health emergency preparedness and response, including the operation of the Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response.

SB 967              Kolkhorst

SP: Klick

Relating to the expiration and extension of certain public health orders issued by a health authority.

SB 1059             Paxton / et al.

SP: Klick

Relating to the process for determining the Medicaid eligibility of certain former foster care youth.

SB 507              Nichols / et al.

SP: Anderson

Relating to an accommodation process authorizing the use of state highway rights-of-way by broadband-only providers.

SB 68               Miles / et al.

SP: Reynolds / White / Thompson, Senfronia / Coleman / Crockett

Relating to a duty for peace officers to intervene and make a report when a peace officer uses excessive force.

SB 598              Kolkhorst

SP: Jetton

Relating to auditable voting systems.

SB 617              Kolkhorst

SP: Wilson

Relating to the regulation of certain direct sales of food to consumers and a limitation on the fee amount for certain permits.

SB 768              Huffman / et al.

SP: Johnson, Ann

Relating to increasing the criminal penalties for manufacture or delivery of fentanyl and related substances; creating a criminal offense.

SB 113              West

SP: Rodriguez

Relating to community land trusts.

SB 149              Powell / et al.

SP: Goldman

Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of an unmanned aircraft over certain facilities.

SB 185              Perry / et al.

SP: White

Relating to the time for entering a final order in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 225              Paxton

SP: Sanford

Relating to the regulation of certain child-care facilities and family homes.

SB 334              Johnson

SP: Goodwin

Relating to disclosure under the public information law of certain records of an appraisal district.

SB 415              Hancock

SP: Holland / Paddie / Hernandez / Lucio III / Harless

Relating to use of electric energy storage facilities in the ERCOT power region.

SB 500              Miles / et al.

SP: Rose

Relating to creating the criminal offense of operating a boarding home facility without a permit in certain counties and municipalities.

SB 518              Kolkhorst / et al.

SP: Morrison

Relating to the use of certain data collected by the Texas Workforce Commission to determine general prevailing wage rates for certain public work contracts.

SB 526              Kolkhorst

SP: Jetton

Relating to the requirements for meetings held and Internet websites developed by certain special purpose districts.

SB 734              Paxton

SP: White

Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization that provides services related to the placement of a child in a foster or adoptive home.

SB 1008             Hinojosa

SP: Canales

Relating to fees for pipeline construction imposed by certain districts.

SB 1233             Seliger

SP: Raymond

Relating to a study of the disaster preparedness for certain state military installations.

SB 1522             Taylor / et al.

SP: Allison

Relating to the adjustment of the average daily attendance of a school district on the basis of a calamity.

SB 1628             Miles

SP: Rose

Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission's office of the ombudsman to resolve complaints against the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 2026             Taylor / et al.

SP: Bonnen / et al.

Relating to instruction on informed American patriotism in public schools.

SB 1901             Zaffirini

SP: Kuempel

Relating to the authority of the secretary of state to order the performance of certain election functions.

SB 1020             Hughes

SP: Gervin-Hawkins

Relating to the reimbursement of state employees for groceries consumed while traveling on official state business.

SB 1865             West

SP: Thompson, Ed

Relating to an annual permit for certain equipment used to apply paint to roadways; authorizing a fee.

SB 1149             Kolkhorst / et al.

SP: Noble / Hinojosa / Minjarez / Frank / Shaheen

Relating to the transition of case management for children and pregnant women program services and Healthy Texas Women program services to a managed care program.

SB 802              Paxton / et al.

SP: Leach / Klick / et al.

Relating to a required resource access assistance offer before an abortion is performed or induced.

SB 839              Schwertner

SP: Huberty

Relating to the regulation of electric vehicle supply equipment; requiring an occupational registration; authorizing fees; authorizing an administrative penalty.

SB 1079             Campbell

SP: Noble

Relating to monthly reports of certain activity of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 1112             Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Swanson

Relating to requirements for an early voting ballot voted by mail; creating a criminal offense.

SB 1114             Bettencourt / et al.

SP: Swanson

Relating to verification of the citizenship status of certain registered voters.

SB 1171             Taylor

SP: Huberty

Relating to the electronic administration of certain required assessment instruments, measures to support Internet connectivity for purposes of those assessment instruments, and the adoption and administration of certain optional interim assessment instruments.

SB 1018             Zaffirini / et al.

SP: Hinojosa

Relating to an early voting ballot voted by mail.

SB 1253             Hall / et al.

SP: White

Relating to the issuance and renewal of licenses to carry a handgun.

SB 912              Buckingham / et al.

SP: Slawson

Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct engaged in while participating in a riot and to restitution for property damage resulting from participating in a riot.

SB 2051             Menéndez / et al.

SP: González, Jessica

Relating to step therapy protocols required by health benefit plans for coverage of prescription drugs for serious mental illnesses.

SB 1372             Huffman / et al.

SP: Murphy

Relating to the evaluation and reporting of the performance of certain public retirement systems.

SB 1572             Paxton / et al.

SP: Schofield

Relating to the numbering and signing of ballots by early voting clerks and deputy early voting clerks.

SB 2094             Taylor / et al.

SP: Dutton

Relating to the assessment of public school students, the establishment of a strong foundations grant program, and providing accelerated instruction for students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments.

SB 1675             Campbell / et al.

SP: Paddie

Relating to procedures for early voting by mail.

SB 2089             Lucio

SP: Dominguez

Relating to the use of certain tax revenue to acquire, construct, enhance, upgrade, operate, and maintain convention center facilities, multipurpose arenas, venues, and spaceport and spacecraft observation facilities in certain municipalities.

SB 568              Huffman / et al.

SP: Wu

Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the criminal offense of hindering the investigation or prosecution of certain sexual offenses committed against a child; increasing criminal penalties.

********** RESOLUTIONS CALENDAR **********

HR 253              Parker

Recognizing November 2021 as Ukrainian Genocide Remembrance Month.