Senate Floor Action for 4/20/2021



April 20, 2021

The Senate suspended the necessary rules to consider and finally pass:

SB 109 (LC)West/ et al.

Relating to the criminal offense of fraudulent securing of document execution.

SB 281 (CS) (LC)Hinojosa/ et al.

Relating to the use of hypnotically induced statements in a criminal trial.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 334 (CS) (LC)Johnson

Relating to disclosure under the public information law of certain records of an appraisal district.

SB 586 (LC)Springer

Relating to the filing of certain reports by distributors of certain off-highway vehicles purchased outside this state; providing civil penalties.

SB 721 (LC)Schwertner/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ et al.

Relating to the disclosure of appraisal reports in connection with the use of eminent domain authority.

SB 723 Schwertner/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ Hall/ et al.

Relating to certain requirements in connection with the acquisition of real property for public use by an entity with eminent domain authority.

SB 726 (CS)Schwertner/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ et al.

Relating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity.

SB 763 (LC)Powell/ et al.

Relating to the creation of the urban air mobility advisory committee.

SB 766 (LC)Huffman/ et al.

Relating to requiring sexually oriented businesses to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify; creating a criminal offense.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 1019 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to a requirement for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to report certain student loan data.

SB 1245 (CS) (LC)Perry

Relating to the farm and ranch survey conducted by the comptroller for purposes of estimating the productivity value of qualified open-space land as part of the study of school district taxable values.

SB 1490 (CS) (LC)Creighton/ et al.

Relating to the authority of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to authorize certain degree programs offered by private postsecondary educational institutions.

SB 1696 Paxton

Relating to establishing a system for the sharing of information regarding cyber attacks or other cybersecurity incidents occurring in schools in this state.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 1764 (LC)Bettencourt/ et al.

Relating to the payment of delinquent ad valorem taxes on property subject to a tax sale.

SB 1809 (LC)Hancock

Relating to the enforcement of insurance laws, including laws governing the unauthorized business of insurance; authorizing administrative penalties.

SB 1817 (CS) (LC)Seliger

Relating to motor vehicle titles.

SB 2188 (LC)Seliger/ Gutierrez/ et al.

Relating to the municipal or county regulation of residential detention facilities for immigrant or refugee children.

The Senate suspended the regular order, read third time and finally passed:

SB 207 (CS)Schwertner/ Buckingham/ Campbell

Relating to recovery of medical or health care expenses in civil actions.

The Senate suspended the regular order, read second time and passed to engrossment:

SB 1261 (CS)Birdwell/ et al.

Relating to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in this state and the express preemption of local regulation of those emissions.

The Senate suspended the necessary rules to consider and postponed:

SB 1699 Hughes

Relating to the protection of expressive rights of student organizations at public institutions of higher education.

The Senate adopted the following resolutions:

SR 277 Hancock

Recognizing April 2021 as Alcohol Responsibility Month.

SR 285 Lucio

Recognizing April of 2021 as Autism Acceptance Month.

SCR 12 Creighton/ et al.

Claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

The Senate confirmed all nominees as reported by the Committee on Nominations.

Committee referral on the following:

HB 374 Smith/ Holland/ et al.

Relating to the continuation of the Red River Boundary Commission.


HB 533 Shine/ Lambert

Relating to ad valorem tax sales of personal property seized under a tax warrant.

Local Government

HB 1363 Minjarez

Relating to treatment of a patient by a physical therapist without a referral.

Business & Commerce

HB 1905 Harris

Relating to relieving regional water planning groups of certain duties.

Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs

HB 2326 Frullo

Relating to the possession, transportation, and release of certain nonindigenous snakes; increasing a criminal penalty.


HB 2494 Metcalf

Relating to the election of emergency services commissioners in certain emergency services districts.

Local Government

HB 2660 Leman

Relating to the jurisdiction and management of the Star of the Republic Museum by the Texas Historical Commission.

Natural Resources & Economic Development

Committee re-referral on the following:

SB 655 Schwertner/ Buckingham/ Springer

Relating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller's and rectifier's permit.

Re-referred from Business & Commerce to Administration