Bills Referred Today for 5/20/2021



May 20, 2021

Committee referral on the following:

HB 1535 Klick/ Dean/ Price/ Oliverson/ Howard/ et al.

Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis by patients with certain medical conditions and the establishment of compassionate-use institutional review boards to evaluate and approve proposed research programs to study the medical use of low-THC cannabis in the treatment of certain patients.

State Affairs

HB 2706 Howard/ Neave/ Hernandez/ Button/ White/ et al.

Relating to the emergency services and care provided to victims of sexual assault and other sex offenses and to the processes associated with preserving and analyzing the evidence of those offenses.


Committee re-referral on the following:

HB 928 Sherman, Sr./ Price

Relating to the marketing and sale of catfish and similar fish by food service establishments; providing administrative and civil penalties.

Re-referred from Business & Commerce to Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs