Senate Floor Action - 2 for 4/15/2021



April 15, 2021

The Senate suspended the necessary rules to consider and finally pass:

SB 13 (CS)Birdwell/ Campbell/ Hall/ Perry/ Schwertner/ et al.

Relating to state contracts with and investments in certain companies that boycott energy companies.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 18 (CS)Creighton/ et al.

Relating to authority of the governor and certain political subdivisions to regulate firearms, ammunition, knives, air guns, explosives, and combustibles and certain associated businesses during certain disasters and emergencies.

SB 550 Springer/ et al.

Relating to the manner of carrying a handgun by a person who holds a license under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code.

SB 1253 Hall/ et al.

Relating to the issuance and renewal of licenses to carry a handgun for purposes of reciprocity with other states.

SB 1678 (CS)Campbell

Relating to the prohibited release by a public agency of information regarding the members, supporters, or volunteers of or donors to certain nonprofit organizations; creating a criminal offense.

The Senate suspended the regular order, read third time and finally passed:

SB 10 (CS)Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Campbell/ Creighton/ Hall/ et al.

Relating to the use by a county or municipality of public money for lobbying activities.

SB 19 Schwertner/ Campbell/ Nelson/ et al.

Relating to prohibited contracts with companies that discriminate against the firearm or ammunition industries.

SB 28 (CS)Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ Creighton/ et al.

Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools and the applicability of certain state and local laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 29 (CS)Perry/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Campbell/ et al.

Relating to requiring public school students to compete in interscholastic athletic competitions based on biological sex.

SB 659 Buckingham/ et al.

Relating to disannexation of certain areas that do not receive full municipal services.

The Senate suspended the regular order, read second time and passed to engrossment:

SB 442 (CS)Hughes/ et al.

Relating to local school health advisory councils and health education provided by public schools, including requirements regarding human sexuality instruction.

2 Floor Amendments

SB 1282 (CS)Hancock/ et al.

Relating to cost recovery for costs arising from the interconnection of certain electric generation facilities with the ERCOT transmission system.

The Senate adopted the following resolutions:

SCR 3 (CS)Paxton/ Campbell/ Kolkhorst/ et al.

Condemning China's practice of involuntary organ harvesting.

Committee referral on the following:

SB 2213 Springer

Relating to the removal of electric energy storage facilities.

Business & Commerce

HB 5 Ashby/ Anderson/ Paddie/ Price/ Canales/ et al.

Relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas.


HB 1325 Coleman

Relating to the participation of the medical school at the University of Houston and the college of osteopathic medicine at Sam Houston State University in the Joint Admission Medical Program.

Higher Education