The bill would amend Transportation Code §504.315 to require the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) to issue specialty license plates for recipients of the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal.
Based on the information provided by TxDMV, it is assumed any costs associated with implementing the provisions of the bill could be absorbed within the agency's existing resources.
Pursuant to Transportation Code §504.3015, an eligible person would be able to apply for one set of the new specialty license plates established by the bill without payment of the regular vehicle registration fee. Based on the information and analysis provided by TxDMV and the Comptroller of Public Accounts, it is assumed the number of individuals who would qualify and apply for the new specialty license plates would not be significant; therefore, it is assumed implementation of the bill would not result in a significant impact to state or local revenue from vehicle registration fees.
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.