The House Committee on General Investigating

87th Legislature

March 9, 2021

2:00 p.m. or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted



Pursuant to a notice posted on March 3, 2021, the House Committee on General Investigating met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Krause, at 2:37 p.m.


The initial quorum call was answered as follows: Representatives Krause; Neave; Klick; Pacheco; and Smith.


A quorum was present.



Chairman Krause made opening remarks.


The Chair laid out the proposed committee rules for adoption.


The Chair moved that the rules be adopted.


The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                           Representatives Krause; Neave; Klick; Pacheco; Smith (5).


Nays:                           None (0).


Present, Not Voting:   None (0).


Absent:                        None (0).


Vice-Chair Neave moved to authorize the chair of the Committee on General Investigating to act on behalf of the whole committee, until the convening of the 88th Legislature, to exercise the committee’s powers under Section 301.020(a)-(b), Government Code; Section 13(b-5)(1)-(2), Rule 3, House Rules; and Article 9.03(d)-(e), Housekeeping Resolution.


The motion prevailed without objection.


The Chair gave a summary of the committee’s jurisdiction, which included its authority as it relates to appropriate workplace conduct.


The committee heard invited testimony from public entities that provide assistance to the committee on matters under the committee’s purview.


Testimony taken/registration recorded.  (See attached witness list.)


At 2:58 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Krause, Chair




Darren Keyes, Clerk