COMMITTEE:    Homeland Security & Public Safety 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Thursday, March 18, 2021 

PLACE:       E2.030 
CHAIR:       Rep. James White 


The Committee will meet to hear invited testimony from the following:


The Texas Police Chiefs Association

The Game Warden Peace Officers Association

The Texas Council on Family Violence


After the conclusion of invited testimony, the Committee will hear bills, with a 2 minute time limit on testimony, and in no particular order. The bills include:


HB 8           Pacheco                                               
Relating to access by a hiring law enforcement agency to an applicant's employment records.

HB 29          Swanson                                               
Relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees.

HB 52          Reynolds                                              
Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.

HB 496         Wu                                                    
Relating to a peace officer's duty to display and provide the officer's name and identification number; creating a criminal offense.

HB 530         Patterson | et al.                                     
Relating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place.

HB 766         Harless                                               
Relating to the entry into the Texas Crime Information Center of certain information regarding orders imposing a condition of bond in a criminal case involving a violent offense.

HB 1035        Dutton                                                
Relating to the use of force by peace officers and certain other persons to make an arrest or search or prevent an escape from custody.

HB 1172        Howard                                                
Relating to the rights of victims of sexual assault or other prohibited sexual conduct.

HB 1262        Bowers                                                
Relating to education and training for peace officers regarding trauma-informed techniques to facilitate interactions with homeless individuals.

HB 1357        Harris                                                
Relating to the appointment, powers, duties, rights, and privileges of special Texas constables.

HB 1407        Schaefer                                              
Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a license holder in a motor vehicle.

HB 1419        Hull | et al.                                         
Relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and regarding unidentified bodies.

HB 1442        Lopez                                                 
Relating to required training on trauma affected veterans for certain peace officers.

HB 1674        Holland                                               
Relating to the taking of a blood specimen on arrest following certain motor vehicle accidents.

HB 1856        Hefner                                                
Relating to carrying and storing a firearm or firearm ammunition by a hotel guest.

HR 74          Johnson, Ann                                          
Paying tribute to the memory of Cesar Cortes and expressing support for stronger firearms safety measures.

For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here:


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here:


Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here:


Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting:







Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.