COMMITTEE:    Homeland Security & Public Safety 

TIME & DATE:  10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 

PLACE:       E2.010 
CHAIR:       Rep. James White 


The committee will meet to hear the following bills, in no particular order, with a two-minute time limit:


HB 1766        Anchia                                                
Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.

HB 2166        Raymond                                               
Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state.

HB 2618        Hernandez                                             
Relating to the exception to disclosure under the public information law of certain personal information contained in a citation issued for a violation of a state traffic law or local traffic ordinance.

HB 2798        Wilson                                                
Relating to the requirement that a peace officer take possession of a person's driver's license following the person's failure to pass or refusal to consent to a test for intoxication.

HB 2901        Rodriguez                                             
Relating to reporting requirements for certain in-custody deaths; providing a civil penalty.

HB 3154        Beckley                                               
Relating to the issuance of a wireless emergency alert after a statewide disaster declaration.

HB 3266        Raymond | et al.                                       
Relating to personal contact information submitted by certain local officials to the Texas Division of Emergency Management and local health departments.

HB 3407        Raymond | et al.                                       
Relating to a requirement that the Texas Division of Emergency Management maintain climate-controlled warehouses to store personal protective equipment for rapid delivery in a disaster.

HB 3654        Rodriguez | et al.                                     
Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and law enforcement agencies regarding law enforcement officers and the use of body cameras; authorizing fees.

HB 4517        White                                                 
Relating to disaster mitigation for critical infrastructure sectors.

For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here:


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here:


Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here:


Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting:





Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.