COMMITTEE:    Homeland Security & Public Safety 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Wednesday, May 5, 2021 

PLACE:       E2.012 
CHAIR:       Rep. James White 


The Committee will meet to hear the following bills, in no particular order, and with a two-minute time limit:


HB 821         White | et al.                    Posting Rule Suspended
Relating to the eligibility for a license to carry a handgun.

HB 1108        Dominguez | et al.                                     
Relating to the eligibility of an individual to be issued a license to operate as a dispensing organization under the Texas Compassionate-Use Act, or to act as a director, manager, or employee of a dispensing organization, based on a criminal history background check.

SB 68          Miles | et al.                                         
Relating to a duty for peace officers to intervene and make a report when a peace officer uses excessive force.

SB 69          Miles | et al.                    Posting Rule Suspended
Relating to prohibiting peace officers from using neck restraints during a search or arrest.

SB 841         Hughes                                                
Relating to the availability of personal information of individuals who are honorably retired from certain law enforcement positions.

SB 912         Buckingham | et al.                                    
Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct engaged in while participating in a riot and to restitution for property damage resulting from participating in a riot.

SB 922         Seliger | et al.                  Posting Rule Suspended
Relating to contracts for fingerprinting services entered into by the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas.

SB 2212        West | et al.                                         
Relating to the duty of a peace officer to request and render aid for an injured person.

For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here: https://mytxlegis.capitol.texas.gov/HWRSPublic/About.aspx


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here: https://house.texas.gov/video-audio/


Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here: https://house.texas.gov/committees/public-access-house-committee-meetings/


Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting: https://comments.house.texas.gov/home?c=c420




Bills added after last posting:

HB 821

SB 69


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of this notice.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.