COMMITTEE:    Transportation 

TIME & DATE:  2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 

PLACE:       JHR 120 
CHAIR:       Rep. Terry Canales 


*Public testimony may be limited to two (2) minutes.*


If you intend to testify, please register using the electronic witness affirmation form, which will be available at any registration kiosk located throughout the Capitol Extension.


Witness registration will open approximately two (2) hours prior to the start of the hearing and must be completed prior to testifying.




HB 130         Rodriguez | et al.                                     
Relating to a highway toll exemption for public school buses.

HB 427         King, Ken | et al.                                     
Relating to imposing an additional fee for the registration of electric and hybrid vehicles.

HB 554         Lopez | et al.                                         
Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle passing a pedestrian or a person operating a bicycle.

HB 1367        Israel                                                
Relating to the exemption from registration fees of certain vehicles used by nonprofit disaster relief organizations.

HB 1507        Middleton | et al.                                     
Relating to an entity responsible for the local share of qualified project costs under the ship channel improvement revolving fund.

HB 1512        Zwiener                                               
Relating to commercial signs along certain roads in certain counties.

HB 1908        Morales, Eddie                                         
Relating to the adoption of a state scenic byways program.

HB 2191        Wilson                                                
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain counties.

HB 2435        Cain                                                  
Relating to the imposition of tolls on Fairmont Parkway in Harris County.

HB 2503        Guillen                                               
Relating to procedures governing a regional mobility authority in relation to certain federal public transportation funding.

HB 2637        Cook | et al.                                         
Relating to the creation of the urban air mobility advisory committee.

HB 2748        Ellzey                                                
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities.

HB 2986        Martinez                                              
Relating to imposing an additional fee for the registration of an electric vehicle.

HB 3159        Martinez                                              
Relating to Texas Department of Transportation and regional mobility authority comprehensive development agreements.

HB 3160        Martinez                                              
Relating to Texas Department of Transportation and regional mobility authority comprehensive development agreements.

HB 3314        Cain | et al.                     Posting Rule Suspended
Relating to toll collection and enforcement by toll project entities; authorizing an administrative fee; imposing a civil penalty.

HB 3319        Meyer | et al.                                         
Relating to certain measures to promote compliance with and improve public awareness of the state's move over or slow down law concerning the passing of certain vehicles.

HB 3467        Canales | et al.                                       
Relating to the amendment of an existing comprehensive development agreement for State Highway 130.

HB 3664        Dean                                                  
Relating to designation by the purchaser of a motor vehicle of the county in which a motor vehicle dealer shall apply for the registration of and title for certain vehicles sold by the dealer; authorizing a civil penalty.

HB 3823        Ramos                                                 
Relating to the civil penalty for certain signs placed on the right-of-way of a public road.

HB 3867        Shaheen                                               
Relating to information contained in the annual financial audit of certain regional transportation authorities.

HB 3914        Ortega | et al.                                        
Relating to the inclusion of adults with mental illness in reduced-fare programs of public transportation providers.

HB 4087        Burns                                                 
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities.

HB 4097        Dutton                                                
Relating to the ownership, control, or operation of certain used motor vehicle dealers by certain motor vehicle manufacturers and distributors.

HB 4138        Ellzey                                                
Relating to the movement of certain vehicles transporting steel products made in the United States; authorizing a fee.

HB 4515        Morales Shaw                                          
Relating to design considerations of transportation projects by the Texas Department of Transportation.

HB 4520        Morales Shaw                                          
Relating to equitable representation in decision making for transportation planning.

HB 4535        Guillen                                               
Relating to the weight limit of certain vehicles.

HB 4539        Cain                                                  
Relating to prohibiting tolls on certain segments of State Highway 146.

HB 4640        Herrero                           Posting Rule Suspended
Relating to the powers and duties of the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas.

HJR 109        Walle                                                 
Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit additional uses of certain dedicated general revenue transferred each fiscal year to the state highway fund.



For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person

witness registration can be found here:



A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here:



Instructions related to public access to the meeting location and health and safety protocols for attending this meeting are available here:



Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting:






Bills added after last posting:

HB 3314

HB 4640


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of this notice.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.