Public Education Committee
April 6, 2021 - 8:00 AM
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Atlas Kravitz, Laura (Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA))
Campbell, Grover (TASB)
Carney, Dee (Texas School Alliance)
Chevalier, Andrea (Association of Texas Professional Educators)
Coleman, Starlee (Self; Texas public charter school association)
Conger, Eddie (Self; International Leadership of Texas Public Charter Schools)
Donaldson, Dena (Texas AFT)
Donnelly, Annemarie (Self)
Gibson, Greg (Self; Texas Association of Midsize Schools)
Gomez, Addie (Self; KIPP Texas Public Schools)
Haenisch, Barry (Texas Association of Community Schools)
Hoffer, Jospeh (Schulman, Lopez, Hoffer & Adelstein, LLP)
Kimberly, Knox (Upbring)
Lilly, Hillary (San Antonio ISD)
LUKE, CHARLES (Self; Pastors for Texas Children)
Mackin, Shea (Self; National Parents Union)
McCreary, Casey (Texas Association of School Administrators)
Rubio, Daniela (Self; Austin Achieve)
Sage, Tom (Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP)
Terry, Mark (Self; Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association)
Villanueva, Chandra (Every Texan)
Williams, Paige (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)
Yancy, Justin (Texas Business Leadership Council)
Against :
Corte Jr, Frank (Self; Schulman Lopez Hoffer Adelstein)
On :
Cottrill, Jeff (Texas Education Agency)
Marin, Eric (TEA)
Mauze, Heather (Texas Education Agency)