SB 1502

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

              April 7, 2021 - 8:30 AM

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Alexander, Troy   Director for Legislative Affairs  (Texas Medical Association), Austin, TX

                                          Casanova, Mark   MD  (Self; Texas Medical Association), Dallas, TX

                                          Fine, Robert   MD  (Self; TMA), Dallas, TX

                                          Hillert, Bobby   Executive Director  (Texas Orthopaedic Association), Austin, TX

                                          Morrow, Jason   Physician  (Self) , Boerne, TX

                                          Page, Sheila   Immediate past president  (Self; Texas Association of American Physicians

                                          and Surgeons), Aledo, TX

                                          Reed, Rachael   Executive director  (Texas Ophthalmological Association), Austin, TX

                                          Reynolds, David    (Texas Chapter of the American Collge of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                          Sutton, Jill   Executive Director  (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association), Austin, TX

                                          Woomer, Eric    (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX


                                          Murphy, Sarah    (Self) , Houston, TX
