Elections Committee
April 8, 2021 - 8:00 AM
Bussey, Faith (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self)
Sterling, Shelby (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Perry, Jim (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcowWeThePeople)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
Wolfe, Michael (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bakko, Sally (City of Galveston)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hurlbert, Heather (City of corpus christi)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Weist, Jon (City of Irving)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Wright, Christine (City of San Antonio)
Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Clemmons, Jeffrey (Self; Austin College Student Commission, Huston-Tillotson NAACP)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Elfant, Bruce (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Lewis, Rania (Self)
Longoria, Bob (Self)
Longoria, Laura (Self)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Marcus, Richard (March to the polls)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Plua, Marlene (Self; Jolt Action)
Ramirez, Jessica (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Stern, Maggie (Self; Children's Defense Fund - Texas)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Weinberg, David (Brennan Center for Justice)
Williamson, Roxy D Hall (Self)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
White, Jonathan (Office of the attorney general)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Perry, Jim (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Wolfe, Michael (Self)
Aceituno, Daniel (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Bush, Klint (Self; Liberty county)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Evans, Richard (Emgage Action)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gonzales, Aaron (Self; Jolt)
Gonzalez, Ysatis (Self)
Greene, Melanie (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Haden, Lorri (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hinchman, Aubrey (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Hunt, Peter (Self)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Jones, Carl (Self)
Kennedy, Heather (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Labowitz, Sarah (Self; American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Laipis Eno, Sara (Self)
Lindsay, Jared (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Mills, Amber (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund)
Miyakawa, Felicia (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Neemidge, Geri (Self)
Neemidge, John (Self)
Neemidge, Paige (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rodriguez, Wendy (Self)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Smith, Carol Lynne (Self)
Stewart, Kevin (American Association of University Women, Texas Chapter)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Zavala, Patricia (Self; Jolt)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Pressley, Laura (True texas elections llc)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; Wilco We Thee People)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Hoffman, Bryan (Electin Systems & Software)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Binning, Mary Louise (Self)
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Campbell, Julie (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Perry, Jim (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Waldron, Phil (Self)
White, Barbara (Self)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Albert, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Derheimer, Sam (Hart InterCivic)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Bush, Klint (Self; Liberty county elections)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Hale, Paul (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self)
Pressley, Laura (True texas elections llc)
Ramsland, Russell (Self; Allied Security Operations Group)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; Wilco We Thee People)
Waldron, Phil (Self)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Fish, Russell (The Open Records Project)
Green, Robert L. (Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
Jacoby, Robert (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Samanta, Manoj (Self; Openrecords project)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Registering, but not testifying:
Albert, David (Self)
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Binning, Mary Louise (Self)
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Bolgiano, John (Self)
Campbell, Julie (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Evans, Richard (Emgage Action)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
McKenzie, Richard (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
White, Barbara (Self)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Adkins, Christina (Texas SOS)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Perez, Rene (Libertarian Party of Texas)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fick, Alli (Opportunity Solutions Project)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Opiela, Eric (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Perez, Rene (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Binning, Mary Louise (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Holman, Frank (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcowWeThePeople)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Evans, Richard (Emgage Action)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Shannon, Melissa (Bexar County Commissioners Court)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
White, Barbara (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Miller, Elizabeth (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Labowitz, Sarah (Self; American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Jacoby, Robert (Self)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
White, Barbara (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Evans, Richard (Emgage Action)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Stewart, Kevin (American Association of University Women, Texas Chapter)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Weinberg, David (Brennan Center for Justice)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Williamson, Roxy D Hall (Self)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Clement, George (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Holman, Frank (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
White, Barbara (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Labowitz, Sarah (Self; American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Miller, Elizabeth (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Perez, Rene (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Williamson, Roxy D Hall (Self)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Perry, Jim (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
White, Barbara (Self)
Wolfe, Michael (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bennett, Joey (Secure Democracy)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Stewart, Kevin (American Association of University Women, Texas Chapter)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Weinberg, David (Brennan Center for Justice)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Pressley, Laura (True texas elections, llc)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; Wilco We The People)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Registering, but not testifying:
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bush, Klint (Self; Liberty county)
Carter, David (Self)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Mixon, Kathy (Self)
Muguira, Maritza (Self)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Albert, David (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Green, Robert L. (Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Pressley, Laura (True texas elections llc)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; Wilco We Thee People)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Perez, Rene (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Binning, Mary Louise (Self)
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Campbell, Julie (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Holman, Frank (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
McKenzie, Richard (Self)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Perry, Jim (Self)
Scheig, Christine (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
White, Barbara (Self)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Perez, Rene (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Binning, Mary Louise (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Opiela, Eric (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcowWeThePeople)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Evans, Richard (Emgage Action)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Weinberg, David (Brennan Center for Justice)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Pressley, Laura (True texas elections llc)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; Wilco We Thee People)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Labowitz, Sarah (Self; American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)
Miller, Elizabeth (Self; Libertarian Party of Texas)
Williamson, Roxy D Hall (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
White, Barbara (Self)
York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Diana (Self)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Miyakawa, Felicia (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Story, Wesley (Self)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Perez, Rene (Libertarian Party of Texas)
Registering, but not testifying:
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Albert, David (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Brown, Koretta (Self; The Alliance For A New Justice System)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
White, Barbara (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Binning, Brad (Self)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
Alvarez-Bingham, Elizabeth (Self)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Registering, but not testifying:
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Election Integrity)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
Marshall, Karen (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
White, Barbara (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bennett, Joey (Secure Democracy)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Howard, Eugene (Self; Texas NAACP)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Menendez, Fatima (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF))
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Stewart, Kevin (American Association of University Women, Texas Chapter)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Taper, Jason (Self; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)
White, Jonathan (Office of the Attorney General)
Garner, Donald (Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition)
Welty, Gerald (Self; Convention of States)
Anderson, Jennifer (Texas Association of Elections Administrators)
Hawthorne, Heather (County and District Clerks Association of Texas)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Democratic Party)
Adkins, Christina (Texas Secretary of State)
Williamson, Roxy D Hall (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Chambless, Dee (Self)
Duke, Devvie (Self)
Durnin, Linda (Self)
Eller, Andrew (Self)
Ennis, Chad (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Green, Robert L. (Self; Travis Co. Republican Party Election Integrity Committee)
Harkey, Detrese (Self)
Harrell, Sherry (Self)
Hayter, Russell (Self)
Hendrix, Tommy (Self)
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Holley, Dee (Self)
Hopper, Charlotte (Self)
Johnston, Deana (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Kirkland, Mandy (Self)
McNair, Rebecca (Self)
Moore, Brandon (Self; SREC - Election Integrity Committee)
Mostert, Michelle (Self)
Sargent, Bill (Self)
Seelig, Bonnie (Self)
Starnes, Deon (Self)
Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeTheePeople)
Vera, Alan (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee)
White, Barbara (Self)
White, Molly (Self; Conservative Republicans of Texas)
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Albert, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Carranza, Sergio (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Chang, Samantha (Self)
Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Corona, Cynthia (Self)
Devany, Charles (Self)
Garcia, Sarah (Self)
Gatej, John (Self)
Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)
Gomez, Stephanie (Common Cause Texas)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Ingram, Ian (Self)
Ingram, Jeri Lynn (Self)
Jackson, Robena (Self)
Kerr, Lonzo (Self; Texas State NAACP)
Keysor, Georgia (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Melendez, Jennifer (Self)
Murphy, Sarah (Self)
Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Nielsen, David (Self)
Oliver, Julie (Self)
Perry, Courtney (Self)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Rosenstock, Robin (Self)
Schultz, Susan (League of Women Voters of Texas)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Slattery, James (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Sutton, Martina (Self)
Sutton, Robert (Self)
Vunderink, Gregg (Self)
Whitfield, John (Self)
Biesel, Beth (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
OGrady, Scott (Self; Texans for Election Integrity)