Public Health Committee

            September 13, 2022 - 11:00 AM

            Fentanyl-related overdoses, prevention, treatment and data.


                                 Ackerson, Brittney (Self; Corazon Ministries Harm Reductio)

                                 Aldred Cheek, Kristin (Stericycle)

                                 Dion, Scott (Self; Corazon Ministries Harm Reduction)

                                 Dyer, Monica (Self; Yanawana Herbolarios)

                                 Fitzwater, Brad (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Garza, Debbie (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Humphrey, Cynthia (Assoc of Substance Abuse Programs)

                                 Jones, Brittany (Opioid Treatment Coalition)

                                 Luna, Maggie (Self; Statewide Leadership Council)

                                 Mayfield, Sam (Texans for Strong Borders)

                                 Mills, Brady (Texas DPS)

                                 Neidert, Jake (Parker County Conservatives)

                                 Potter, Jennifer (UT Health Science Center San Antonio)

                                 Reyes, Sarah (Texas Center for Justice & Equity)

                                 Roy, Kevin (Shatterproof)

                                 Santibañez, Madelein (Self; Corazon Ministries Harm Reduction)

                                 Schade, Dr C M (Self; Texas Medical Association and Texas Pain Society)

                                 Smith, Steve (Self; Texas Harm Reduction Alliance)

                                 Soltani, Paulette (Self; Texas Harm Reduction Alliance)

                                 Stewart, Becky (Self; A Change for Cam)

                                 Strey, Kasey (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Turner, Stefanie (Self)

                                 Wyman, Lisa (Department of State Health Services)

            Implementation of HB 1616(87R)Interstate Medical Licensure Compacts.


                                 Carlton, Stephen (Texas Medical Board)

                                 Tereffe, M.D. MPH, Welela (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)

            Implementation of HB 4(87 R) relating to telemedicine.


                                 Belcher, Nora (Texas e-Health Alliance)

                                 Lynch, Jessica (Texas Association of Health Plans)

                                 Zalkovsky, Emily (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brown, Erica (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Jordan, Kristi (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Milligan, Maureen (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)

                                 Strickland, Robyn (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

            Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction.


                                 Brimberry, Matthew (Self)

                                 Thompson, Mike (Self; Texas Cancer Survivor’s Coalition)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Belcher, Nora (Texas e-Health Alliance)

            Telemed forms and palliative care


                                 Belcher, Nora (Texas e-Health Alliance)

                                 Carlton, Stephen (Texas Medical Board)

                                 Tereffe, M.D. MPH, Welela (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Milligan, Maureen (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)

                                 Schade, Dr C M (Self; Texas Pain Society)
