Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee

            April 8, 2021 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

            HB 118


                                 Anderman, Allison (Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence)

                                 Askins, Marcy (Self)

                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Byrne, Carla (Self)

                                 Griffith, Gary (Self)

                                 Griffith, Sharon (Self)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self)

                                 Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Moody, Joe (Self)

                                 Ordaz Perez, Claudia (Self)

                                 Stout, David (El Paso County)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)


                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Burkhart, Brandon (This Is Texas Freedom Force)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 LaSorte, Darren (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Perez, Leonard (Self)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Turner, Andi (Texas State Rifle Association)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Collins, Daniel (El Paso County)

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Gómez, Stephanie (Self)

                                 Gonzalez, Ana (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Greene, Melanie (Self)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Stern, Maggie (Self; Children's Defense Fund - Texas)

                                 Tamayo, Elisa (Emergence Health Network)


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Bohnert, Richard (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Hamel, David (Self)

                                 Hendrix, Tommy (Self)

                                 Henry, JoAnn (Self; ThisIsTexasFreedomForce)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Propes, Jay (Everytown for Gun Safety)

                                 Rinehart, Rick (Self)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)

            HB 558


                                 Carney, Dwayne (Self)

                                 Carney, Michaelle (Self)

                                 Meza, Terry (Self; Texas House of Representatives)

                                 Nail, Rhonda (Self)

                                 Palmer, John (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Sellers, Frank (Self; Texas criminal defense lawyers association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self)


                                 Burkhart, Brandon (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Place, Shea (Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)

            HB 781


                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Jenkins, Scott (Collin College)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Perez, Leonard (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)


                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Bohnert, Richard (Self)

                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Hendrix, Tommy (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mcwilliams, Dean (Collin College)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Atlas Kravitz, Laura (Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA))

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hamel, David (Self)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 Keysor, Georgia (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Propes, Jay (Everytown for Gun Safety)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)


                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

            HB 791


                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)


                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Burkhart, Brandon (Self; This Is Texas Freedom Force)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Garza, Ramon (Self; This Is Texas Freedom Force)

                                 Henry, Lamar (Self; This Is Texas Freedom Force)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Turner, Andi (Texas State Rifle Association)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Chancellor, John (Texas Police Chiefs Association)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Greene, Melanie (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hall, Ash (Self)

                                 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

                                 Jankovsky, Richard (DPS Officers Association)

                                 Johnson, Noel (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Propes, Jay (Everytown for Gun Safety)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)

                                 Zafrani, Cyrus (Dallas Policee Department)


                                 Atlas Kravitz, Laura (Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA))

                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Bohnert, Richard (Self)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Hendrix, Tommy (Self)

                                 Henry, JoAnn (Self; This is Texas Freedom Force)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Perez, Leonard (Self)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Rinehart, Rick (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Hester, Jason (Texas Department of Public Safety)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 831


                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)


                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bernhardt, Rebecca (The Innocence Project of Texas)

                                 Burkley, Warren (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Bussey, Faith (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Cogan, Alex (The Arc of Texas)

                                 Duble, Caroline (Self; Avow)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Gerrick, Emily (Texas Fair Defense Project)

                                 Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)

                                 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Gomez, Mike (Tmpa)

                                 Hunt, Ray (HPOU)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Weist, Jon (City of Irving)

            HB 832


                                 Burkley, Warren (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)


                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)


                                 Laurin, Jennifer (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bernhardt, Rebecca (The Innocence Project of Texas)

                                 Bussey, Faith (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Duble, Caroline (Self; Avow)

                                 Gerrick, Emily (Texas Fair Defense Project)

                                 Gharakhanian, Stephanie (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)

                                 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

                                 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 Lovitt, Matthew (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Hunt, Ray (HPOU)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Weist, Jon (City of Irving)

            HB 833


                                 Burkley, Warren (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Matthews, Dr. Candice (Self; Texas Coalition Of Black Democrats)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)


                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Laurin, Jennifer (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bernhardt, Rebecca (The Innocence Project of Texas)

                                 Bussey, Faith (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Cogan, Alex (The Arc of Texas)

                                 Duble, Caroline (Self; Avow)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Gerrick, Emily (Texas Fair Defense Project)

                                 Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)

                                 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 Lovitt, Matthew (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Weist, Jon (City of Irving)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)


                                 Vickers, Kim (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement)

            HB 880


                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)


                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 LaSorte, Darren (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Perez, Leonard (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Greene, Melanie (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hall, Ash (Self)

                                 Jankovsky, Richard (DPS Officers Association)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Bohnert, Richard (Self)

                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Hamel, David (Self)

                                 Hendrix, Tommy (Self)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mixon, Kathy (Self)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Rinehart, Rick (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Turner, Andi (Texas State Rifle Association)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)

            HB 1757


                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Puente, Marco (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bussey, Faith (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Hunt, Ray (HPOU)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)

            HB 1838


                                 Apodaca-Fisk, William (Self)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Burkley, Warren (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Harris, Jim (Self; Texas council of clubs and independents)

                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Landers, Paul (Self; Texas Councilof Clubs and Independents)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Ward, Chris (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brabandt, Ryan (Texas councel of clubs and independants)

                                 Couch, Monty (Self)

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)

                                 Ellison, Michael (Self)

                                 Johnson, Bob (Self)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Knudtson, Adam (Texas council of clubs and independents)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self; Just Liberty)

                                 Mobley Turney, Aimee (Self)

                                 Moe, Bjarte (Texas Council of Club)

                                 Morris, Joe (Self)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Riquelme, Edwin (Texas Council of Clubs and Independants)

                                 Williams, M Paige (Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot)

                                 Yager, Larry (Self)


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 2112


                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Turner, Andi (Texas State Rifle Association)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Greene, Melanie (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

            HB 2147


                                 Gerrick, Emily (Texas Fair Defense Project)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Self; Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Henson, Scott (Just Liberty)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)


                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Smith, James (San Antonio Police DEpartment)


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 2169


                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Hendrix, Tommy (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Propes, Jay (Everytown for Gun Safety)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)


                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 2248


                                 Denman, Mark (Greater Harris County 911)

                                 Heffernan, Stan (Greater Harris County 911)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Narvaez, Thamara (Harris County Commissioners Court)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Shannon, Melissa (Bexar County Commissioners Court)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

            HB 2366


                                 Berry, Justin (Austin Police Department)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

                                 Hunt, Ray (HPOU)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Smith, James (San Antonio Police DEpartment)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Weist, Jon (City of Irving)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)


                                 Moore, Chas (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

            HB 2706


                                 Boyce, Elizabeth (Texas Association Against Sexual Assault)

                                 Wood, Justin (Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas)


                                 Hotz, Kaye (Texas Attorney General)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Black, Jenny (Self; Safe alliance)

                                 Borchardt, Lindy (Sharen Wilson, Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney)

                                 Burkley, Warren (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hall, Ash (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)

                                 Williams, M Paige (Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot)


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

            HB 2746


                                 Berry, Justin (Austin Police Department)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

                                 Hunt, Ray (HPOU)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Smith, James (San Antonio Police DEpartment)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcment Associations of Texas, CLEAT)


                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 2967


                                 Apodaca-Fisk, William (Self)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Perez, Leonard (Self)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Ward, Chris (Self)

                                 Yager, Larry (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Ellison, Michael (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Johnson, Bob (Self)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Morris, Joe (Self)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Bohnert, Richard (Self)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Propes, Jay (Everytown for Gun Safety)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)

            HB 3413


                                 Holt, Lynn (Self; Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas)


                                 Gerrick, Emily (Self; Texas Fair Defense Project)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Self; Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)


                                 Tucker, Bronson (Texas Justice Court Training Center)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Place, Shea (Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)

                                 List, Amanda (Texas Appleseed)


                                 Campbell, Ronald (Self)

                                 Knustrom, Eric (Traffic Lawyers of Texas)

            HB 3628


                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Hodges, Bradley (Self)

                                 Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)

                                 Mostert, Michelle (Self)

                                 Taylor, Emily (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Gary (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bolgiano, John (Self)

                                 Brooks, Melanie (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Clement, George (Self)

                                 Cotton, Beryl (Self)

                                 Dahl, Donald (Self)

                                 Dantas, Pedro (Self)

                                 Duke, Devvie (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Franklin, Jon (Self)

                                 Gibson, Kenneth (Self)

                                 Guarco, Kyle (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Kirkland, Mandy (Self)

                                 McNair, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)

                                 Muguira, Maritza (Self)

                                 Perez, Kevin (Self)

                                 Price, Dylan (Self)

                                 Ryan, Cody (Self)

                                 Seelig, Bonnie (Self)

                                 Strickler, Marcia (Self; WilcoWeThePeople)

                                 Swirsky, Alexie (Self)

                                 Turner, Andi (Texas State Rifle Association)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self)

                                 Wallace, Lee (Self)

                                 White, Tyree (Self)

                                 York, Ruth (Self; Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County; Texas Family Defense Committee)


                                 Basford, John (Self)

                                 Belsick, Michael (Self)

                                 Brandt, Jon (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Chang, Samantha (Self)

                                 Corona, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Dreyer, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Gatej, John (Self)

                                 Greene, Melanie (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Kennedy, Heather (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 McLean, Gentry (Self)

                                 Melendez, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Mendoza, Elva (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)

                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)

                                 Perry, Courtney (Self)

                                 Puentes, Christina (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Spraggins, Doris (Self)

                                 Switzer, Gyl (Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

            HB 3712


                                 Vickers, Kim (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Chancellor, John (Texas Police Chiefs Association)

                                 Craig, George (Houston Police Department)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)


                                 Murphy, Sarah (Self)


                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

            HB 4299


                                 Vickers, Kim (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Martinez, Justin (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)


                                 Antu, Michael (Texas Commission On Law Enforcement)

            HB 4300


                                 Vickers, Kim (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Berry, Justin (Self)

                                 Campbell, Julie (Self)

                                 Chambless, Dee (Self)

                                 Durnin, Linda (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc/FOP716 State FOP Director)

                                 Harkey, Detrese (Self)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Sinclair, David (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas CLEAT)


                                 Antu, Michael (Texas Commission On Law Enforcement)
