
            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM

            HB 1445

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ashley, Price  (Texas College of Emergency Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Ashley, Price  (Texas Radiological Society), Austin, TX

                                 Ashley, Price  (Texas Society of Pathologists), Austin, TX

                                 Belcher, Nora  Executive Director (Texas e-Health Alliance), Austin, TX

                                 Bresnen, Amy  Attorney (Association of Dental Support Organizations (ADSO)), Austin,


                                 Bruce, Bonnie  (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists), Austin, TX

                                 Frazier, Kyle  (Patient choice coalition of texas), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzalez, Sara  VP Advocacy and public policy (Texas Hospital Association), Austin, TX

                                 Hillert, Bobby  Executive Director (Texas Orthopaedic Association), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (Texas Academy of Family Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy), Austin, TX

                                 Norton, Kaden  (Texas Chiropractic Association), Cedar Park, TX

                                 Reynolds, David  (Texas Chapter of the American College of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Ross, Susan  (Texas Dental Association), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas medical association), Austin, TX

                                 Travis, Clayton  Director of Advocacy (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX

                                 Warner, Michael  (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists), Austin, TX

                                 Woomer, Eric  (Texas Dermatological Society / Federation of Texas Psychiatry), Austin, TX

            SB 153


                                 Christian, John  Tax Consultant (Ryan LLC), Austin, TX

                                 Tomlin, Mandy  CFO (United Supermarkets), Lubbock, TX


                                 Barton, Karey W  Associate Deputy Comptroller of TAX (Comptroller of Public Accounts),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Kelemen, George  President & CEO (TX Retailers Assoc.)

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Burgin, Matt  (Texas Food & Fuel Association), Austin, TX

                                 Craymer, Dale  President (Texas Taxpayers and Research Association), Austin, TX

                                 Gonzales, Larry  (Texas Credit Union Association), Round Rock, TX

                                 LeBas, James  Fiscal analyst (AECT; and Independent Bankers Association of Texas),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas medical association), Austin, TX

                                 Strama, Keith  (Visa), Austin, TX

                                 Streufert, Kelsey  Vice President, Government Relations & Advocacy (Texas Restaurant

                                 Association), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM


                                 Barton, Karey  Associate deputy comptroller for tax (Comptroller of public accounts),

                                 Austin, TX

            SB 313


                                 Ross, Leesa  Lock Arms for Life  (Self)

                                 Switzer, Gyl  Exec Dir TX Gun Sense (Texas Gun Sense), Austin, TX


                                 Heimlich, Ed   (also providing written testimony) (Informed Citizens), Austin

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Jaquette, Shannon  (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops), Austin, TX

                                 Travis, Clayton  Director of Advocacy (Texas Pediatric Society), Austin, TX

            SB 620


                                 James, Carla  Retiree  (also providing written testimony) (TX Retired Employees

                                 Association), Pflugerville


                                 Nail, Shack  ERS (ERS), Austin

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Carranza, Susana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Fickel, Ann  Associate Executive Director (Texas Classroom Teachers Association), Austin,


                                 Guy, Linda  RN,PNP  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Chris  Director, CLEAT Member and Support Services (Combined Law Enforcement

                                 Associations of Texas (CLEAT)), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (AFSCME Texas Correctional Officers), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (AFSCME Texas Retirees), Austin, TX

                                 Norris, Robert   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Sheldon, Tyler  (Texas State Employees Union), Austin, TX

                                 Sinclair, David  Legislative Consultant (Game Warden Peace Officers Association),

                                 Pflugerville, TX

                                 Vunderink, Gregg   (Self), TX, TX

            SB 678


                                 Gutierrez Jr., Martin C  Government Relations (San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of

                                 Commerce), San Antonio, TX

                                 Jucker, Janice  Three Brothers Bakery  (Self), Houston, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe  Legislative Attorney (City of El Paso), El Paso, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM

                                 Hale, J.D.  (Texas Association of Builders), Austin, TX

                                 Hinkle, Ron  (Texas Travel Alliance), Austin, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Huddleston, Cheri  Legislative Consultant (Lufkin-Angelina County Chamber of

                                 Commerce), Austin, TX

                                 Humphrey, Patrick  (Greater Houston Partnership), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Neal buddy  (Abilene chamber of commerce), Austin, TX

                                 Matthews, Stephanie  (Tx Association of Business), Austin, TX

                                 Reed, Ender  Director, Intergovernmental Affairs (Harris County Commissioners Court),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 Spilman, Annie  State Director (NFIB), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas medical association), Austin, TX

                                 Stratmann, Ben  (Dallas Regional Chamber), Austin, TX

                                 Streufert, Kelsey  Vice President, Government Relations & Advocacy (Texas Restaurant

                                 Association), Austin, TX

                                 Wright, Christine  Legislative Manager (City of San Antonio), San Antonio, TX


                                 Counihan, Will  Director, Data Analysis & Transparency (TX Comptroller of Public

                                 Accounts), Austin, TX

            SB 706


                                 Lee, Tim  Executive Director (TX Retired Teachers Assn)

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Carranza, Susana   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 DeBill, Valerie   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Guy, Linda  RN,PNP  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel, TX American Fed. Of Teachers (TX-American

                                 Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                 Vunderink, Gregg   (Self), TX, TX


                                 Aronstein, Tamara  Policy Analyst (Sunset Advisory Commission)

                                 Guthrie, Brian  Executive Director (Teacher Retirement System of Texas)

            SB 1029

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Beving, Rita  Consultant (Public Citizen), Farmers branch, TX

                                 Hammeline, Charlie  Executive Director (Texas Solar Power Association), Austin, TX

                                 Heart, Amy  Sr. Dir. Policy (Sunrun), Sugar Land, TX

                                 Houston, Joshua  Advocacy Director (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                 Jewell, Michael  (Solar Energy Industries Association), Austin, TX

                                 Jewell, Michael  (Environmental Defense Fund), Austin, TX

                                 Landwehr, Martha  Senior Manager, Government Affairs (BASF Corporation), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM

                                 LeBas, James  Fiscal analyst (AECT; and Texas Chemical Council), Austin, TX

                                 Matthews, Stephanie  (Tx Association of Business), Austin, TX

                                 Richie, Carl  Attorney (Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance), Austin, TX

                                 Simmons, Carrie  (Conservative Texans for Energy Innovation), Austin, TX

                                 Spence, Logan  (Engie N. A.), Austin, TX

                                 Steakley, Karen  (Tesla), Austin, TX

                                 Womack, Daniel  Director State Government Affairs (Dow, Inc.), Austin, TX

            SB 1105


                                 Heimlich, Ed   (also providing written testimony) (Informed Citizens), Austin

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Wescoe, David  Executive Director (TMRS), Arlington, TX

            SB 1245

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Davis, Joy  Associate Legislative Director (Texas Farm Bureau), Austin, TX

                                 Fuchs, Jeremy  Director of Public Affairs (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers

                                 Association), Austin, TX


                                 Castillo, Korry  Property tax assistance director (Comptroller of public accountd), Austin,


                                 Castillo, Kory  Director, Property Tax Assistance (Texas Comptroller), Austin, TX

            SB 1438


                                 Quintero, James  Policy Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Public Policy

                                 Foundation), Austin, TX


                                 Haynes, Adam  Policy Director (Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX


                                 Bakko, Sally  Director of Policy & Governmental Relations (City of Galveston), Galveston,


                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Walker, Carl  (Texas Taxpayers and Research Association), Austin, TX


                                 Collins, Daniel  Governmental Affairs Manager (El Paso County), El Paso, TX

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe  Legislative Attorney (City of El Paso), El Paso, TX

                                 Shannon, Melissa  Director of Governmental Affairs (Bexar County Commissioners Court),

                                 San Antonio, TX

                                 Smith, Jamaal  Asst Dir, Gov Affairs (City of Houston, Office of the Mayor Sylvester

                                 Turner), Houston, TX

                                 Webster, Richard  (Texas School Alliance), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM

                                 Wheeler, Julie  Intergovernmental Relations (Travis County Commissioners Court), Austin,



                                 Rome, Christy  Executive Director (Texas School Coalition), Austin, TX

            SB 1524


                                 Praesel, Sylvia O.  Founder & Chief Strategist  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Coalition for Apprenticeship Partner in Economic Development), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Gutierrez, Martin  Mr. (San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce), San Antonio, TX

                                 Hale, J.D.  (Texas Association of Builders), Austin, TX

                                 Hinkle, Ron  (Coalition for Apprenticeship Partners in Economic Development), Austin, TX

                                 Landwehr, Martha  Senior Manager, Government Affairs (BASF Corporation), Austin, TX

                                 LeBas, James  Fiscal analyst (Texas Chemical Council), Austin, TX

                                 McCord, John  (NFIB), Austin, TX

                                 Meroney, Mike  Consultant (Texas Association of Manufacturers (TAM)), Austin, TX

                                 Tredway, CJ  (Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Weiner, Molly  Director of Nonprofit Engagement (United Ways of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Womack, Daniel  Director State Government Affairs (Dow, Inc.), Austin, TX

            SB 1794


                                 Rivela, Serina  Chief Legal Officer (Bexar County Hospital District d/ba University

                                 Health), San Antonio, TX

                                 Roth, Steven  General Counsel (Parkland Health & Hospital System), Dallas, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Dunn; MD, Carl Tony  Ob/Gyn (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists),

                                 Waco, TX


                                 Haynes, Adam  Policy Director (Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX


                                 Singer, Paul  Senior Counsel for Public Protection (Office of the Attorney General), Austin,


            SB 1827


                                 Rivela, Serina  Chief Legal Officer (Bexar County Hospital District), San Antonio, TX

                                 Singer, Paul  Senior Counsel for Public Protection (Office of the Attorney General), Austin,


                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ashley, Price  (Texas College of Emergency Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Bruce, Bonnie  (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            April 12, 2021 10:00 AM

                                 Gallingher, Duane  Texas Strategy Group (Association of Substance Abuse Programs),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Hillert, Bobby  Executive Director (Texas Orthopaedic Association), Austin, TX

                                 Hoppe, Christina  Director of Public Policy (Children's Hospital Association of Texas),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Lee  (Texas Council of Community Centers), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (Texas Academy of Family Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall  (Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy), Austin, TX

                                 Reynolds, David  (Texas Chapter of the American College of Physicians), Austin, TX

                                 Stewart, Clayton  (Texas medical association), Austin, TX

                                 Tamayo, Elisa  Director of Policy and Governmental Affairs (Emergence Health Network),

                                 El Paso, TX

                                 Warner, Michael  (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists), Austin, TX


                                 Haynes, Adam  Policy Director (Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX

                                 Smith, Jamaal  Asst Dir, Gov Affairs (City of Houston, Office of the Mayor Sylvester

                                 Turner), Houston, TX