88S10090 BK-D
  By: Jetton H.C.R. No. 1
         WHEREAS, The year 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the
  alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States; and
         WHEREAS, In 1953, three years after the outbreak of war on the
  Korean Peninsula, the United States and the Republic of Korea
  signed a mutual defense treaty to strengthen their efforts for
  collective defense; the decades since have witnessed the evolution
  of this security relationship into a comprehensive global
  partnership; the two countries reaffirmed their commitment to a
  global comprehensive strategic alliance in May 2022; reflecting the
  importance of this friendship, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol
  is only the second world leader invited for a state visit by the
  current administration; he was welcomed at the White House on April
  26, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, The rise of the Republic of Korea is one of the most
  remarkable success stories of the post-World War II era; in
  partnership with the United States, the nation has promoted
  regional and global prosperity stemming from shared values of
  democracy, free markets, human rights, and the rule of law; and
         WHEREAS, One of the linchpins of United States foreign
  policy, the Republic of Korea has played a vital role in maintaining
  peace and stability in Asia and the world; moreover, the close ties
  between our nations have enabled invaluable coordination and
  cooperation in confronting global health crises, including H1N1 and
  COVID-19; the United States and the Republic of Korea have plans to
  continue their collaboration in the years to come, working together
  to stabilize the global supply chain and to develop cutting-edge
  technologies, including semiconductors, autonomous robotics, and
  artificial intelligence; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to its longstanding relationship with
  the United States as a whole, the Republic of Korea has a strong
  connection to the Lone Star State in particular; Texas is home to
  more than 110,000 Korean Americans, and the Republic of Korea is the
  state's sixth-largest trading partner; and
         WHEREAS, Bound together by mutual respect and appreciation,
  as well as common interests, the Republic of Korea and the United
  States take pride in an enduring friendship that has fostered
  security, economic growth, and meaningful connections among the
  people of both our nations; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas,
  1st Called Session, hereby commemorate the 70th anniversary of the
  alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States.