Amend SB 2 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 12, strike "and 48.283" and substitute ", 48.283, and 48.284".
(2)  On page 3, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:
Sec. 48.284.  ADDITIONAL STATE AID FOR DISTRICTS IMPACTED BY 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR COMPRESSION. For each school year, a school district is entitled to additional state aid in an amount equal to 50 percent of the difference, if the difference is greater than zero, between:
(1)  the amount of maintenance and operations tax revenue the district would have received for the current school year if the district's maximum compressed tax rate had not been reduced under Section 48.2555, as added by SB2, Acts of the 88th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 2023; and
(2)  the amount of maintenance and operations tax revenue the district receives in the current school year.