Amend SB 1 (senate committee report) in SECTION 2 of the bill, adding Subchapter J, Chapter 29, Education Code, as follows:
(1) In Section 29.354(b)(1) (page 2, line 15), between "perform" and "the", insert "one or more of".
(2) In Section 29.354(b)(3) (page 2, line 20), between "program" and the underlined comma, insert "in whole or in part".
(3) In Section 29.354(c) (page 2, line 33), between "administering" and the underlined colon, insert "in whole or in part".
(4) In Section 29.354 (page 2, between lines 41 and 42), insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
( ) A certified educational assistance organization is not considered to be a provider of professional or consulting services under Chapter 2254, Government Code.
(5) In Section 29.356(a) (page 3, line 3), between "organization" and "to", insert "designated by the comptroller".
(6) In Section 29.356(b) (page 3, line 11), between "positions" and "by", insert "with eligible children".
(7) In Section 29.356(c) (page 3, line 27), immediately following "organization", insert "designated by the comptroller".
(8) In Section 29.356(d) (page 3, line 35), strike "A certified educational assistance organization" and substitute "Each certified educational assistance organization designated under Subsection (a)".
(9) In Section 29.356(e) (page 3, line 47), strike "A certified educational assistance organization" and substitute "Each certified educational assistance organization designated under Subsection (a)".
(10) In Section 29.356(f) (page 3, line 51), strike "A certified educational assistance organization" and substitute "The comptroller or a certified educational assistance organization designated under Subsection (a)".
(11) In Section 29.356 (page 3, between lines 58 and 59), insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
( ) The agency shall provide to the comptroller the information necessary to make the determinations required under Subsection (b).
(12) In Section 29.362(a) (page 6, line 44), between "shall" and "make", insert "hold that money in trust for the benefit of children participating in the program and".
(13) Strike Sections 29.362(c), (d), and (e) (page 6, line 52 through page 7, line 6), substitute the following appropriately lettered subsection, and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly:
( ) Each quarter, each certified educational assistance organization shall submit to the comptroller a breakdown of the organization's costs of administering the program for the previous quarter and the comptroller shall disburse from money appropriated for the program to each certified educational assistance organization the amount necessary to cover the organization's costs of administering the program for that quarter. The total amount disbursed to all certified educational assistance organizations under this subsection for a state fiscal year may not exceed five percent of the amount appropriated for the purposes of the program for that fiscal year.