88S30457 BPG-F
  By: Tinderholt H.R. No. 16
         WHEREAS, On September 16, 2023, the Texas Senate acquitted
  Attorney General Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment
  considered in a two-week trial; and
         WHEREAS, The Senate also voted to dismiss four other articles
  of impeachment that the chamber agreed to set aside prior to the
  trial, which stemmed from secretive, rushed, and flawed proceedings
  in the Texas House in May 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Just two days after the House General Investigating
  Committee revealed that it had spent months surreptitiously
  scrutinizing the actions of Attorney General Paxton, it recommended
  impeachment; it failed to put witnesses under oath during its
  investigation and then failed to follow the rules of evidence in
  alleging wrongdoing, basing its case on hearsay that would never be
  admissible in a court of law; Attorney General Paxton was not given
  the opportunity to defend himself to the Investigating Committee;
         WHEREAS, The House General Investigating Committee failed to
  provide House members with adequate time or means to evaluate the
  information it presented; the first impeachment of a statewide
  official in over a century proceeded at warp speed, and despite a
  complete lack of evidence, within two days, the House voted to
  impeach, causing Attorney General Paxton's automatic suspension
  from office pending a trial in the Senate; and
         WHEREAS, In September, the fair and deliberative Senate trial
  exposed the haste, flimsiness, and unfairness of the House
  impeachment process, and Attorney General Paxton was duly
  vindicated; the impeachment process in the House was a debacle that
  undermined its legitimacy and integrity, and in order to restore
  public faith, it must make amends for the grievous errors
  committed; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby extend a formal apology to
  Attorney General Ken Paxton; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Attorney General Ken Paxton as an expression of
  sincere contrition by the Texas House of Representatives.