WHEREAS, Dr. Sharron Forest, director of the Doctor of |
Nursing Practice program at The University of Texas Medical Branch |
at Galveston, has received a 2023 Regents' Outstanding Teaching |
Award from The University of Texas System Board of Regents; and |
WHEREAS, Established in 2008, this prestigious accolade |
recognizes individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary |
classroom performance and innovation in undergraduate instruction; |
each recipient is given a $25,000 cash award in appreciation of |
their contributions to the students and institutions they serve; |
and |
WHEREAS, Dr. Forest holds the Will Bivins Singleton |
Professorship in Pediatric Nursing at UTMB; she has worked in the |
field of neonatal critical care nursing for more than three |
decades, including over 25 years as a neonatal nurse practitioner; |
as director of the DNP program at UTMB's School of Nursing, she |
focuses her research and grant activities on education and health |
care improvement, and her grant-funded projects have included |
initiatives to address tobacco use among youth and mothers, to |
prepare nurse practitioner students to care for underserved |
populations, and to facilitate collaboration between DNP and Ph.D. |
programs; and |
WHEREAS, This highly respected educator received a |
bachelor's degree in nursing from McNeese State University and a |
bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Louisiana State |
University, before obtaining both her DNP and her master's degree |
in nursing from The University of Texas Health Science Center at |
Houston; she is a recipient of a Novice Faculty Didactic Teaching |
Award from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, in |
addition to such accolades as the Outstanding DNP Faculty Award and |
the Good Samaritan Foundation's Excellence in Nursing Gold Medal |
Award; and |
WHEREAS, Dr. Sharron Forest's dedication and expertise have |
benefited countless students and earned her the lasting respect and |
admiration of her colleagues, and she is truly deserving of this |
notable honor; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Dr. Sharron |
Forest on her receipt of a 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award from The |
University of Texas System Board of Regents and extend to her |
sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Dr. Forest as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |