88S31092 CJM-D
  By: Zwiener H.R. No. 88
         WHEREAS, The 100th birthday of an esteemed Texan and World
  War II veteran is indeed cause for celebration, and retired U.S. Air
  Force Lieutenant Colonel George C. Carruthers of San Marcos marked
  that special milestone on October 19, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, George Carruthers was born in Dallas in 1923, and he
  graduated from high school in Tyler and studied at Tyler Junior
  College; after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the
  U.S. Army Air Corps and served with the 8th Air Force, 305th Bomb
  Group, 422nd Bomb Squadron in England as a second lieutenant; and
         WHEREAS, On July 14, 1943, Lieutenant Carruthers and his
  B-17F Flying Fortress Windy City Challenger crew had completed a
  bombing mission when their plane was attacked and crashed near
  Lieusaint, France; seven crew members were killed, and Lieutenant
  Carruthers and his fellow survivors were interrogated and sent to
  the Stalag Luft III camp; in January 1945, Germany ordered its
  evacuation, and prisoners of war were transferred to Stalag VII A;
  the camp was liberated that same year; in 2010, the City of
  Lieusaint dedicated a memorial to the Windy City Challenger crew of
  which Lieutenant Carruthers is the last surviving member; and
         WHEREAS, After the war, Lieutenant Carruthers fulfilled a
  number of assignments, and he flew combat missions in Vietnam; he
  retired in 1972 at the rank of lieutenant colonel, concluding a
  distinguished career of three decades; his many awards include the
  Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the World War II
  Victory Medal, and in 2023, he was selected for the Order of the
  Legion of Honor from France for his World War II service; in all his
  endeavors, he has enjoyed the love and support of his wife,
  Dr. Marilyn Gaddis; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of a century, George Carruthers has
  not only bravely served his nation but has also met the challenges
  and opportunities of a long life with grace and fortitude, and he is
  blessed with the deep respect and lasting affection of a host of
  loved ones; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate U.S. Air Force
  (Ret.) Lieutenant Colonel George C. Carruthers on the joyous
  occasion of his 100th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Carruthers as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.