88S30929 BK-D
  By: Flores S.R. No. 65
         WHEREAS, The prosperity of the Lone Star State has been
  greatly influenced by family farming and ranching, and the Grote
  family of Llano County have been officially recognized as heirs to
  this proud tradition with the acceptance of the Holistic and
  Historical 1882 Grote Ranch into the state's Family Land Heritage
  Program in 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Texas Department of Agriculture,
  this program honors farms and ranches that have been in continuous
  agricultural operation by the same family for a century or more; the
  Grote Ranch is currently owned and operated by Janice Annette
  Jensen, great-granddaughter of its founders; and
         WHEREAS, The Grote Ranch was established in 1882 by C. H. and
  Mina Grote, who raised Hereford cattle on the 2,000-acre property;
  Mr. and Mrs. Grote became the parents of 11 children, several of
  whom continued working the land after the couple's passing in 1948;
  their son Raymond Grote inherited 425 acres of the ranch, and
  following his death, his wife, Annette Dupree Grote, raised Angus
  cattle on the property; upon her passing, their daughter Annette
  Helen Altgelt Grote took over her parents' share of the land, and in
  2012, Mrs. Grote's daughter and current owner Janice Annette Jensen
  inherited 30 acres; and
         WHEREAS, In preserving their property as a working ranch, the
  Grotes are making their own contribution to their family's legacy,
  and it is indeed fitting that they be honored for their outstanding
  stewardship; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature, 3rd
  Called Session, hereby congratulate the Grote family on the
  induction of the Holistic and Historical 1882 Grote Ranch into the
  Texas Department of Agriculture Family Land Heritage Program and
  extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Grote family as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas Senate.