HB 6


 Appropriations Committee

 October 23, 2023 - 10:00 AM

 For :

 Boyd, Roy (Self; Goliad County)

 Cleveland, Thaddeus (Self; Terrell County Sheriff, Southwestern Border Sheriff's


 Del Bosque, Raymundo (Self; Zapata County Sheriff's Office, the Sheriffs’ Association of

 Texas, and the Border Sheriff's Coalition)

 Maley, Charles (Self; South Texans’ Property Rights Association)

 Martinez, Carine (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

 Salazar, Jose (Self; Willacy County Sheriff’s Office, The Sheriff's Association of Texas,

 and the Border Sheriff's Coalition)

 Smith, Brent (Self; Kinney County)

 Smith, Larry (Self; Smith County Sheriff's Office and the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

 West, Walter (Self; Borders Melons)

 Against :

 Avant-Mier, Sofía (Self; Texas Rising)

 Lopez, Roberto (Self; Texas Civil Rights Project)

 Puente, Jaime (Self; Every Texan)

 On :

 Banks, Michael (Office of the Governor)

 Brown, Thomas (Texas Facilities Commission)

 Glancey, Richard (Texas Facilities Commission)

 Hicks, Sarah (Office of the Governor)

 Raff, John (Texas Facilities Commission)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Collins, Genevieve (Self; Americans for prosperity)

 Martinez, Jorge (Self; The LIBRE Initiative)

 Sheetz, Sam (Self; Americans For Prosperity)

 Whitten, Sandra (Self)

 Against :

 Bresnen, Steve (El Paso County, Texas)

 Gonzalez, Ana (Texas AFL-CIO)

 Griffith, Idona (Self)

 Hart, Kattie (Self)

 Helderman, John (Self)

 Hendrickson, Andrew (ACLU of Texas)

 Hernandez, Daniela (Self; Workers Defense Action Fund)

 Leahy, Francesca (Self)

 Libal, Bob (Self; Human Rights Watch)

 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

 Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)

 Price, Annette (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Primrose, Will (Self)

 Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)

 Shannon, Rachael (Self)

 Sybille, Sybil (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 On :

 Gorby, William “Mike” (Texas Military Department)

 Mckerall, Will (Texas Facilities commission)

 Snoddy, Aimee (Governors Office)



 HB 6


 Appropriations Committee

 Taylor, Shelia Bailey (Texas Military Department, Resource Witness)
