SB 2

              Senate Committee Report


              October 9, 2023 - 3:55 PM


                                          Benscoter, Andy   CEO Trinity Charter School  (also providing written testimony)  (Virtual

                                          Education), Austin, TX

                                          Easley, Jenifer   President  (Texas PTA)

                                          Elwell, Sara   Teacher  (Self)

                                          Gray, JoMeka   Teach Plus Texas, Teacher  (Teachers & National Board Certification)

                                          Morris, Raven   Teacher  (Teach Plus)

                                          Rivera, Frank   Teach  (Teach Plus)


                                          Hallamek, James   Government Relations  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas State

                                          Teachers Association)

                                          Solis, Laurie   Office Administrator  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Torres-Yaniz, Claudia   HR - Total Rewards  (Self)


                                          Adams, Bryce   VP of Government Affairs  (TX Public Charter Schools Association)

                                          Aleman, Steven    (also providing written testimony)  (Disability Rights Texas)

                                          Artho, Leigh Ann   Trustee  (Argyle ISD), Argyle, TX

                                          Carpenter, Courtney   Superintendent of Schools, Argyle ISD  (also providing written

                                          testimony)  (Argyle ISD), Argyle, TX

                                          Chevalier, Andrea   Lobbyist, Dir. of Gov. Relations  (Texas Council of Administrators of

                                          Special Education), Austin, TX

                                          Cohen, Hayden   Student  (also providing written testimony)  (Students Engaged in

                                          Advancing Texas)

                                          Colbert, Paul   Consultant  (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Daniel, Katrina   Chief Health Care Officer  (Teacher Retirement System of Texas), Austin,


                                          Dempsey, Shawn   Stay at home mom  (myself, my family & my community), Round

                                          Rock, TX

                                          Exter, Monty   Director of Governmental Relations  (The Association of Texas Prof


                                          Green, Don   Chief Financial Officer  (Teacher Retirement System of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Hodge, Andrew   Associate Commissioner  (Texas Education Agency)

                                          Hollingsworth, Lonnie   Attorney  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Classroom

                                          Teachers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Kalwani, Poooja   High School Student  (Self)

                                          Litzinger, Amy   Public Policy Specialist  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Parent

                                          to Parent), Austin, TX

                                          Litzinger, Linda   Public Policy Specialist  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas

                                          Parent to Parent), Austin, TX

                                          Machey, Ben   Executive Director, Texas Impact Network  (also providing written

                                          testimony)  (Texas Impact Network), Dallas, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 2

              Senate Committee Report


                                          Meyer, Mike   Deputy Commissioner of Finance  (Texas Education Agency), Austin, TX

                                          Morath, Mike   Commissioner, TEA  (TEA), Austin, TX

                                          Norris, Robert   Retired  (Grandparents for Public Schools), Austin, TX

                                          Oeser, Kelvey   Deputy Commissioner, Education Support  (Texas Education Agency)

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Director of Public Affairs & Legislative Counsel  (also providing written

                                          testimony)  (TX American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                          Rush, Ana   Education  (Self) , Del Valley, TX

                                          Sanderson, Josh   Deputy Executive Director  (also providing written testimony)  (Equity

                                          Center), Austin, TX

                                          Saucedo, Sabina Gonzalez   Public Policy Analyst  (also providing written testimony)  (TX

                                          Council for Developmental Disabilities), Austin, TX

                                          Sena, Richard   Insurance Agent  (also providing written testimony)  (Boerne ISD)

                                          Sikes, Chloe Latham   IDRA - Deputy Director of Policy  (IDRA), San Antonio, TX

                                          Villanueva, Chandra    (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                          Westrom, Josh   Attorney/School Board Member  (also providing written testimony) 

                                          (Argyle ISD), Argyle, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Greene, David   Rev  (Self) , Katy, TX


                                          Dahlander, Jon   Chief-Partnerships/Intergovt Rel.-Dallas ISD  (Self; Dallas Independent

                                          School District), Dallas, TX

                                          Lopez, Jeanne Lehman   Registered nurse  (N/A), Austin, TX

                                          Saenz, David    (Self) , Bedford, TX


                                          Chevalier, Andrea   Dr.  (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education), Austin,


                                          Jones, Garry    (Self; DFER TX), Fort Worth, TX

                                          Meyer, Mike   Deputy Commissioner - Finance  (Texas Education Agency)

                                          Unnash, Laura   Education advocate  (Self)

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Bode, Trish   Elected School Board Trustee  (Self; Leander ISD), Austin, TX

                                          Painovich, Robin   Executive Director  (Career and Technical Association of Texas),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Popinski, Bob   Senior Director of Policy  (Raise Your Hand Texas)
